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Egypt humanitarian delegation enters Gaza gar - 07.03.2011 21:24
Their aim is to enter the beseiged Palestinian terrirtory with as many Egyptian volunteers as possible. This in order to highlight that Egypt's economic blockade of Gaza continues and must end following the fall of the Mubarak regime. Their aim is to enter the beseiged Palestinian terrirtory with as many Egyptian volunteers as possible. This in order to highlight that Egypt's economic blockade of Gaza continues and must end following the fall of the Mubarak regime. The activists make it to the town of Al Arish, 50 km from the Gaza border, where they're greeted by local leaders who promise they'll supply hundreds of volunteers to show solidarity with the suffering of Gazans. The leaders call for Egypt to revoke its peace treaty with Israel and for former President Husni Mubarak to be prosecuted. We've arrived in Al Arish to a good welcome. But we did have to pass through about 12 checkpoints and the army tried to persuade us not to come. But now the people here are promising to accompany the convoy to Gaza. The morning of the planned march to the Gaza border starts with much optimism. But things soon turn nasty. A small group of suspected pro-Mubarak agitators accuse the activists of being spies and even Israelis. They say Egyptians should sort their own problems out before they worry about anybody else. Our crew is forced to stop filming, but soon afterwards we are attacked with shovels and forced to beat a hasty retreat. Eventually the activists make it to the Gaza border but with severely depleted numbers. Most of the Egyptians have been scared off from joining their protest march to the Rafah border crossing. After 5 hours they are allowed through with one bag of cement. They are the first peace delegation to enter Gaza since the Egyptian revolution. ------------------------------------------ also ..>> the historical context of the developing 2011 Egyptian Bourgeois Democratic Revolution >> http://garizo.blogspot.com/2011/03/historical-context-of-developing-2011.html#more Website: http://garizo.blogspot.com/2011/03/egypt-humanitarian-delegation-enters.html |
aanvullingen | Perfect diplomacy | nn - 08.03.2011 20:07
Eventually it would pressure the new military regime in Egypt if they would be seen supporting Israeli blockade of a citizenry, in effect trying to brake the morals of those living in Gaza by sheer exhaustion. In regards to those who attacked would rather go with Israeli or Egyptian paid agitators, Mubarak has had a stroke and will no be back, but the Egyptian high command had a attache fly to the US before Mubarak eventually went out the door. Let the Palestinians and Egyptians civil society connect! By the way I hope Egyptians remember the Israeli speech on the positive sides and gift to the Middle-East. All parties seem to be playing a high game: Egyptian high command Israeli politicians US Mess with the civil society in the Middle-East at this moment or show to strong support of the repression of a Arab or Muslim population in the vicinity and you might get burned and help bring the house of the international political order down. Politicians don't get it but in the Middle-East they do connect politics and moral as oppossed to Western technocratic pragmatic rule which supports and set-up these dictatorships. No Justice, No Peace, No Surrender, No Retreat, | |
aanvullingen | |