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[Londen] Woning Gaddafi gekraakt Doorgeefluik - 09.03.2011 21:27
Van Indymedia UK: Saif Gaddafi's london mansion occupied topple the tyrants | 09.03.2011 14:55 This morning a group calling themselves Topple The Tyrants have occupied the £10m Hampsted Mansion of Saif Al Islam Gaddafi, in solidarity with the Libyan people and their struggle to overthrow the murderous Gaddafi regime.
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/03/475379.html This morning a group calling themselves Topple The Tyrants have occupied the £10m Hampsted Mansion of Saif Al Islam Gaddafi, in solidarity with the Libyan people and their struggle to overthrow the murderous Gaddafi regime. A spokesman for the group said "We didn't trust the British government to properly seize the Gaddafi regime's corrupt assets, so we took matters into our own hands." "The British government only recently stopped actively helping to train the Libyan regime in "crowd control" techniques, through the Department for Business Innovation and Skills and a midlands based arms manufacturer, NMS Systems. As well as training the regime in repression, British corporations are also guilty of providing the same weapons that are now being used by Gaddaffi against the Libyan people." The mansion is managed by Gaddaffi through a holding company registered in the British Virgin Islands. The spokesman for occupiers said “Gaddafi, Mubarak, the House of Saud and numerous other tyrants use front companies in British protectorates to avoid paying tax and above all to protect their anonymity. Britain actively assists tyrants, corporations and the super rich to rob their people blind. Our aim is to make sure that the assets stolen by Gaddafi are returned to the Libyan people and don't disappear into the pockets of governments or corporations. In the meantime we want to welcome refugees from the conflict in Libya and those fleeing tyranny and oppression across the world." "We stand in solidarity with the Libyan people.” For media enquiries contact Montgomery Jones on 07767 808332 More information - http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23925176-gaddafi-sons-pound-10m-hampstead-house.do http://m.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/feb/21/uk-firm-defends-libya-military-sales?cat=world&type=article Website: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/03/475379.html |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | foto | NN - 10.03.2011 15:10
Iemand ergens een foto van het pand benwel benieuwd hoe het er uit ziet..:) | joetoeb | gl - 10.03.2011 15:55
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j-MYGFDrys This morning a group calling themselves Topple The Tyrants have occupied the £10m Hampsted Mansion of Saif Al Islam Gaddafi, in solidarity with the Libyan people and their struggle to overthrow the murderous Gaddafi regime. A spokesman for the group said "This is a political statement about people who are suffering in other countries that need help and we don't want to fuck that up." | Nog een video | Doorgeefluik - 10.03.2011 22:16
In het filmpje komt ook duidelijk naar voren dat de politie niet ingrijpt omdat kraken een civielrechtelijke en geen strafrechtelijke zaak is in Engeland.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riDHNEV51_8 | kraken? | lezert - 10.03.2011 22:59
Laat 'occupy' zich hier niet eerder vertalen met het gangbare 'bezetten', ipv 'kraken'? 't Is verder maar een puntje op de i hoor ;) | |
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