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Occupy Monaco! We'll give Capital Flight a whole new meaning - 11.03.2011 17:45
Oproep op Facebook aan activisten in Europa om op 1 augustus te verzamelen in Monaco, met als doel het belastingparadijsje aan de Middelandse Zee te bezetten en ons 'gevluchte kapitaal' terug te eisen.  Monaco We'll give Capital Flight a whole new meaning. 1st August 2011 1st August 2011 Monaco is 2.2 km sq - it has 33,000 inhabitants of whom 84% are foreign born tax exiles. There are around 500 police officers in Monaco - external security is provided by France. The only real standing army of which to speak are the 100 bodyguards provided for the royal household. The facts are simple the Philip Greens of this world (or rather his wife) inhabit these places. We are told in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Greece et...c that capital is mobile and that in a global political economy there is not much we can do about it. Hence the structures of reducing corporation tax, dividends tax etc in a 'race to the bottom' which means that large nation states (in which most of us live) find it increasingly hard to fund themselves as viable welfare states at the outset of the 21st century. Most of the corporate oligarchs of Europe, be they Swedish, Italian etc maintain a presence in Monaco and the European peoples are told there is nothing they can do about it. Except that is, use our constitutional rights as European citizesn as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights ( freedom of movement and freedom of association) to show our peaceful disdain for such individuals by occupying their spaces. From the early modern period of the Peasants Revolt and Wat Tyler to the Jarrow Street marchers there have been dominated peoples march upon the forces of domination and capital (in Britain's case London). In a global economy with a transnational capitalist class, this action is the exact same response, albeit to changed circumstances. Instead of Newcastle to London like the Jarrow Workers we go from every nation state of Europe towards this 2.2 km sq. principality and show that the people's of Europe mean business. Capital is highly mobile in a global economy, but so are people, why shouldn't protest be the same? Thousands of us from across Europe meeting in Monaco would be an intriguing prospect. Bare in mind that while tax exiles love tax havens for their obvious merits - these places don't actually have standing armies. Lets get organised and plan travel and strategy. E-Mail: occupymonaco@gmail.com Website: http://https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001922503468 |
Lees meer over: europa globalisering | aanvullingen | van te voren oefenen? | de auteur - 11.03.2011 18:05
Als er nog geoefend moet worden is dit misschien een goede plek (het belastingparadijs om de hoek) http://www.zuidas.nl/
| Lolz | n00bio - 13.03.2011 11:34
geweldige LOL @ "ons 'gevluchte kapitaal'". Dat bezittelijk voornaamwoord impliceert dat u ooit een kapitaal heeft gehad. Maar dan zou je toch ook hebben moeten werken? | |
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