Heavy Israeli Air Strikes on Gaza Muhammad A. Al Mahdi, APIC(APICONG) - 22.03.2011 02:16
We sharply condemn the murderous Israeli air strike on Gaza March 21,2011  Israel's Enemies: One of the victims of the air strikes Tonight's air strike launched on Gaza by the Zionist regime in response to the protests of the Palestinian youth for democratic rights is a heinous and barbaric crime against humanity. We condemn this despicable act of state terrorism in the strongest terms. To the regime in Israel, this is merely one more in a series of continued systematic violations of the most basic human rights of the people of Palestine; a campaign of institutionalised abuse, repression and genocide that rivals the holocaust. These crimes are committed in the name of a state entity that is referring to itself as "the only democracy in the Middle East", and hence in the name of "democracy" itself. We are calling upon every person with as much as flicker of political responsibility and with as much as a flicker of human conscience to oppose this abominable charade. Let us speak out openly, as human beings, as daughters,sons, fathers, mothers against the merciless persecution of an entire people on grounds of their ethnic, religious, cultural and political identity by a state founded on terrorism and upholding terrorism as its governing principle. Let us speak out in unison against one of the most repressive regimes of the entire Middle East! The atrocities committed by the state of Israel have reached a dimension that does no longer justify forbearance on account of the Jewish people's own troubled history. A crime perpetrated by the victim of a crime remains a crime, and if we are upholding any moral standard at all, we ought to condemn it. The state of Israel does not represent the Jewish people, nor does it represent their true interests. It represents a ruthless imperialist elite holding two peoples hostage to their greed for power. It represents a corrupt and merciless clique involved in one political scandal after another misappropriating the reparations paid to the victims of the holocaust to wage a war against civilians in Palestine, erect settlements in Gaza and the Westbank and cover the entire Middle East with wars. We are saying to the people in Israel: the interests of the Arab working class and the interests of the Jewish working class are the same. They are: food and clothing, a place to stay, respect and dignity, peace, justice and a decent life. No people is the enemy of another. It is their governments who are deceiving them, and who, when they see no way out of their economic crises and political bankruptcy, are pushing for war. Do not allow yourselves to be misused for the dirty war of the imperialists that advances neither your interests, nor ours! Do not allow your name to be abused to stand for the merciless oppression and extermination of people like you! The peoples, fighting for democracy and human rights, can stop their misery and, together, solve the problems that are making their lives hell. We are calling upon you to rise with us against the Zionist delusion and work toward the creation of a state in which Jews, Muslims and Christians can live together in peace and equality. How can you, descendants of Abraham, survivors of Auschwitz, Dachau, Treblinka, insurgents of the Warsaw Ghetto look into the mirror when your name, which your fathers held dear, stands for militarist aggression, political corruption and crime? In your own interest, let us resist inhumanity together so a better tomorrow can be built, so yours and our children will not suffer the way we do! What honour is there in war in which these are your enemies:
http://twitpic.com/4bxd3p It is not necessary to point out the sheer hypocrisy of the US, UN and NATO who are bombing Libya in an unsolicited invasion in order to gain control over her oil and natural resources while they remain silent and indifferent to the brutal military aggression of the Gulf Shield Forces in Bahrain and the assault of Israel's corrupt ruling elite on children like this. No, no word speaks stronger than their actions. It is not for them to save anyone. It is for us, the people, on both sides -and this we are saying even now when our civilian casualties are multiplied by the minute- to liberate ourselves by our own revolutionary action so past mistakes be rectified and peace and justice may prevail. Muhammad A. Al Mahdi APIC (APICONG), March 21, 2011 |