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Kambiz Roustayi is a victim of rightness in Iran and Holland Farshad Hoseini - 22.04.2011 01:19
Kambiz Roustayi burned his own body, a body that was rendered meaningless, and a body carrying a life reduced and captured by the state, for more than ten years. This tragic death of Kambiz is clear document of rightness in Iran and even in the Netherlands. Kambiz burned himself to protest against anti human policies in Iran and in the Netherlands. Protest to a regime that he forced to flee from, and to a government he asked to protection. But we know that kambiz's way to protest is not the real way. The real way is to fight against any kind of anti human policies. The real way is to be united and to be organized to fight for their right. This is our message to all asylum seekers and to Dutch people in demonstration of 16th April 2011 Kambiz Roustayi burned his own body, a body that was rendered meaningless, and a body carrying a life reduced and captured by the state, for more than ten years. This tragic death of Kambiz is clear document of rightness in Iran and even in the Netherlands. Kambiz burned himself to protest against anti human policies in Iran and in the Netherlands. Protest to a regime that he forced to flee from, and to a government he asked to protection. But we know that kambiz's way to protest is not the real way. The real way is to fight against any kind of anti human policies. The real way is to be united and to be organized to fight for their right. This is our message to all asylum seekers and to Dutch people in demonstration of 16th April 2011 E-Mail: farshadhoseini@yahoo.com Website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BCngreRWf0&feature=youtu.be |
Lees meer over: Agenda anti-fascisme / racisme europa kunst, cultuur en muziek LINKS media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | 27th April, a day in protest against the Dutc | Bureau for Defense of Refugees - 22.04.2011 02:14
27th April, a day in protest against the Dutch government! Bureau for Defense of Refugees (of the Worker - 21.04.2011 04:01 18 April 2011 Communique number 1 United against the anti-refugee policies of the Dutch government! 27th April, a day in protest against the Dutch government! To all refugees and people of Holland! We are all witnessing the onslaught of the capitalist governments against the living conditions of people all over the world and in our case Europe. It manifests itself in lowering of welfare, rise in unemployment, cuts in social security and increase in the pension age, just to name a few. Amidst this onslaught, asylum seekers are put under a lot of pressure to the extend that their already hard situation is worsened to the brink of death and further misery. In Holland, during the recent months, the case of many asylum seekers have been closed for no apparent reason, many have been expelled from the refugee camps with nowhere to go, and a large number have been transferred to detention centers. This anti-humane policy is in effect government’s attack against the refugees who are already stripped off respect, integrity and human values. Many are in such dire situations that have led them to resort actions such as hunger strike, lip sewing or even suicide. On 6th April this year, Kambiz Roustayi, the 36 year old Iranian asylum seeker who, in broad day light, set himself on fire while screaming about his children, was a tragic result of such policy. Bureau for Defense of Refugees (of the Worker-communism Unity Party), condemns the asylum regulations of the Dutch government which lead to such extreme and tragic fate of the asylum seekers. We shall continue our protest against this policy, in defense of refugees’ rights. We have thus organized a day of protest on Wednesday 27th April 2011 and urge all human rights organizations and people of Holland to join us. Further details of our protest schedule for this day will shortly be issued. Long Live Universal Human Rights! - E-Mail: x_magid@yahoo.com Website: http://www.wupiran.org E-Mail: x_magid@yahoo.com Website: http://www.wupiran.org | |
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