Speciesism,Murderer Barack Obama,Chimpanzees Tony Ryals - 25.04.2011 21:51
I remember being outraged in early post 9/11 when W Bush was compared with a chimp.But what offended me at that time holds true for the 'depleted' uranium trafficker and mad bomber of innocent civilians Barack Osama Obama as well.He is MUCH worse than the 'unibomber Kosinsky( if you even remember him).My outrage was and is because chimpanzees are being driven to extinction which may well be a prelude to our own extinction precisely because of our war criminal 'leaders such as W Bush and Barack Osama Obama.In fact it appears that both Barack Osama Obama and Unibomber Kosinsky have attnded the same school as W BUSH... Speciesism:BP Tea Party member claims Mass Murderer Barack Obama a Chimpanzee ! By Tony Ryals Speciesism:BP Tea Party member claims Mass Murderer Barack Obama a Chimpanzee ! This is NOT a defense of Orange County,California Republican and BP or British Petroleum 'Tea Party' member Davenport,it is in defense of chimpanzees who are victims of a human or Homo Sapien holocaust against them. As for Davenport shamefully hiding,wrapping,herself in the veil of Christianity when the doo doo hit the fan - weeeell - all I can say is that just about all chimps have almost genetically hardwired and also learn in their communal and collective jungle survival culture more of the ideals we associate with Christianity such as love thy fellow chim and break bread together and turn the other cheek than the mental moron will 'grok'or learn in her lifetime. Speciesism:BP Tea Party member claims Mass Murderer Barack Obama a Chimpanzee ! by Tony Ryals Speciesism:BP Tea Party member defames chimpanzees,claims mass murder Barack Obama is one !
http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2001/nov/29/highereducation.research The ape of things to come The extinction of chimps may be our own undoing, says Jonathan Heddle Chimpanzees will soon be extinct. If the present rate of hunting and habitat destruction continues, then within 20 years, there will be no chimpanzees living in the wild. But this is more than an environmental or moral tragedy. Chimpanzee extinction may also have profound implications for the survival of their distant relative - human beings. .................................
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/04/02/MNUR1I4TMT.DTL Trying to save endangered orangutans in Indonesia Robin McDowell, Associated Press The Associated Press April 2, 2011 04:00 AM 04/03/11 Their black eyes peer from the slats of wooden cages, hundreds of orangutans orphaned after their mothers were shot or hacked to death for straying out of Indonesia's rapidly disappearing forests in search of food. ........................................
http://laist.com/2011/04/19/imperfect_christian_lady_davenport.php 'Imperfect Christian Lady' Davenport Sorry for Obama-as-Chimp E-mail, Insists She's Not Racist Orange County GOP leader Marilyn Davenport has made a more official and contrite apology for being the mastermind behind the "joke" e-mail she sent out containing a doctored family portrait of chimpanzees with President Obama as the baby....... Davenport issued an official statement last night, in which she refereed to herself as "an imperfect Christian lady," willing to accept the "rebuke" of her party and others. However, the Tea Party activist who represents the 72nd Assembly District "did not say sorry not in person, but through a statement read to the Orange County Republican Central Committee by fellow member Tim Whitacre. Davenport said she didn't show up at the committee meeting because she feared for her life," notes the NY Daily News. ......................
http://www.richardryder.co.uk/speciesism.html Speciesism Speciesism is a term coined by Richard Ryder in 1970. The word refers to the widely held belief that the human species is inherently superior to other species and so has rights or privileges that are denied to other sentient animals. (See Painism). ‘Speciesism’ can also be used to describe the oppressive behaviour, cruelty, prejudice and discrimination that are associated with such a belief. In a more restricted sense, speciesism can refer to such beliefs and behaviours if they are based upon the species-difference alone, as if such a difference is, in itself, a justification. Ryder used the term as a deliberate ‘wake-up call’ to challenge the morality of current practices where nonhuman animals are being exploited in research, in farming, domestically and in the wild, and he consciously drew the parallel with the terms racism and sexism. Ryder pointed out that all such prejudices are based upon physical differences that are morally irrelevant. He suggested that the moral implication of Darwinism is that all sentient animals, including humans, should have a similar moral status. ............................ This is NOT a defense of Orange County,California Republican and BP or British Petroleum 'Tea Party' member Davenport,it is in defense of chimpanzees who are victims of a human or Homo Sapien holocaust against them.As for Davenport shamefully hiding wrapping herself in the veil of Christianity when the doo doo hit the fan - weeeell - all I can say is that just about all chimps have almost genetically hardwired and also learn in their communal and collective jungle survival culture more of the ideals we associate with Christianity such as love thy fellow chimp and break bread together and turn the other cheek than the mental moron will 'grok'or learn in her lifetime.Had Davenport and her Tea Party ilk been alive at the time of the American revolution against British royals in the 18th century she and her 'Tea Party' members would probably have been rounded up by American revolutionaries for aiding and abetting the British 'red coats'.Now they aid British Petroleum and British and Euro trash royalty and elites such as the Rothschild war and financial criminals not to mention Israeli far right and send poor Americans off to die,be wounded for life and then brought back to the America of W Bush and Barack Osama Obama to die in the mean American streets in poverty.And what did they die or end up wounded and crippled for life for ?! So that BP can rape and destroy the American Gulf of Mexico and make the folks of Lousiana sick and financially destroyed.And for Chinese companies to package toxic waste and dump them on the American market and directly into American homes and call it 'drywall' ! And they also die as part of the war debt we accumulate for British and European elites and even the Chinese government who make a windfall from Iraqi oil the 'won' contracts for off the bloody backs of crippled war vets and the dead millions of Iraqis and Afghanistanis and now Libyans. Bush's Pre-War Iraq Oil Deals Alarmed BP | Informed Comment 20 Apr 2011 ... We were determined to get a fair slice of the action for UK companies in a post-Saddam Iraq.” After a meeting with BP executives at the ...
http://www.juancole.com/2011/04/bushs-pre-war-iraq-oil-deals-alarmed-bp.... ................................
http://www.democracynow.org/2011/4/19/headlines/exposed_link_between_bri... Exposed: Link Between British Oil Firms and Invasion of Iraq The Independent newspaper of London has revealed Britain discussed plans to exploit Iraq’s oil reserves with some of the world’s biggest oil companies five months before it joined the United States in invading the country in 2003. Citing previously secret documents, the newspaper said at least five meetings were held between British officials and BP and Royal Dutch Shell in late 2002. BP privately told the British Foreign Office at the time that Iraq was "more important than anything we’ve seen for a long time." The documents were obtained by the oil campaigner Greg Muttitt, author of the new book Fuel on the Fire: Oil and Politics in Occupied Iraq. Greg Muttitt: “Tony Blair famously said in early 2003, ‘The idea that we’re interested in Iraq’s oil is absurd, it’s one of the most absurd conspiracy theories you can imagine,’ if you remember. And at the same time as he was saying that, there was an internal document, a secret document, in the Foreign Office, which set out British strategy towards Iraqi oil, and it said, 'Britain has an absolutely vital interest in Iraq’s oil.'" ................................................ Funny,(as in peculiar),I remember being outraged in early post 9/11 when W Bush was compared with a chimp.But what offended me at that time holds true for the 'depleted' uranium trafficker and mad bomber of innocent civilians Barack Osama Obama as well.He is MUCH worse than the 'unibomber Kosinsky( if you even remember him).My outrage was and is because chimpanzees are being driven to extinction which may well be a prelude to our own extinction precisely because of our war criminal 'leaders such as W Bush and Barack Osama Obama.In fact it appears that both Barack Osama Obama and Unibomber Kosinsky have attnded the same school as W BUSH... Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber - 00.06 Henry A. Murray's abstract of the study to which he subjected Theodore Kaczynski and other Harvard students. Posted by the Henry A. Murray Research Center ... www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/issues/2000/06/chase.htm Why Obama is mum about Harvard 11 Sep 2008 ... On the surface, at least, Barack Obama's single most impressive accomplishment has been his 1990 election to the presidency of the Harvard Law Review. This position also provided Obama his only real executive experience as he supervised the law review's staff of 80 editors. One has to wonder, then, why neither he nor wife Michelle emphasized this singular honor during the up-by-the-bootstraps biographical sections of their respective speeches in Denver. In fact, neither of them so much as mentioned Obama's time at Harvard, this despite his vulnerability on the executive experience charge. Their silence likely derives from one verifiable fact: Obama's record at Harvard was no more authentic than John Kerry's record in Vietnam.... www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=74877 .................. Why was the depiction of W Bush as a chimpanzee met with no controversy whatsoever while while doing the same with his replacement,mass murderer and CIA and destroyer and rapist of the U.S.economy,Barack Osama Obama met with so much emotion and feigned outrage ? Obviously this is reverse racism and it is only because his father was an African,(not white American),bigamist and hustler of bimbos such as his CIA or US 'intelligence' connected mother and his Indonesian mass murdering step father who was involved in the Sukarno massacres in Indonesia were 'minorities'. Meanwhile chimpanzees who have a natural intelligence that we lack and who have survived at least 10's of millions of years before us in the forests we have raped and destroyed are being brought to extinction by us and Barack Osama Obama - the first and only mass murdering killer apes to have 'evolved' or devolved in natural or now un-natural history. I can't imagine the sick specist mind that would equate mass murderer Barack Obama with chimpanzees.Chimpanzees don't commit mass murder in Iraq,Afghanistan,Libya or anywhere else even if we do share over 98% of the same genes and thus genetically there is little difference between us.Furthermore it is us that are committing holocaust and biocide against our fellow apes and other life forms on this planet. It makes much more sense to compare Obama to Hitler or say Stalin or even Winston Churchill or Bill Clinton or George Herbert Walker Bush than to chimpanzees.!Note that your time left to see a chimpanzee or an orangutan is rapidly decreasing everyday as the holocaust against them increases everyday.Unfortunately Barack Osama Obama and his ilk such as W Bush AND OTHER HUMAN MASS MURDERERS APPEAR TO BE WITH US TO THE END. No Chimpanzee is a mass murderer but Barack Obama like his predecessor, W Bush, IS a mass murderer ! ........................... 2 Mar 2011 ... Lolo Soetoro was a colonel in the Indonesian armed forces and worked for the ... working with Suharto, planned the Indonesian invasion and bloody .... shouldering blame for sins of his mother and step-father but the fact ...
http://www.t-room.us/2011/03/by-wayne-madsen-obamas-cia-mommy-dearest-%E... OPINION By Wayne Madsen: Obama’s CIA “Mommy Dearest” — identifying Indonesians for assassination Posted by helen President Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, worked in Indonesia for a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) embassy cover operation that helped identify some 5000 key members of the Indonesian Communist Party — Partai Komunis Indonesia(PKI) that were targeted for assassination by Indonesian armed forces units, of which her husband and President Obama’s step-father, Lolo Soetoro, was a participant. The 5000 targets’ names appeared in what was called by the CIA “the shooting list.” .....................
http://www.exportblueprint.com/blog/1552/verified-cia-front-business-int... Verified CIA Front, Business International Corp, Paid for Obama’s Columbia College Tuition 25 Feb 2010 ... WMR was told that the Obama/Soetoro trip to Pakistan, ostensibly to ... Obama's work for a company having ties to the CIA barely registered a ... any other CIA operation while attending Harvard Law School and thereafter. ... .................. Barack Obama's African 'real father' a bigamist with probable CIA or British MI 5 connections himself that allowed his trips and school stays in America but his step father in Indonesia was nothing less than a mass murderer himself and apparently Barack Obama's or Barry Soetoro's mother was the woman behind the man,Lolo Soetoro,who was himself a mass murderer.Aside from the fact that Barack Obama and his mother before him and other family had U.S.intelligence and government connections and his presidency now appears to be nothing less than another CIA dirty trick upon the American public and that he represents British and European financial elite as well as Israeli crooks and killers and of course Goldman Sachs,the Rothschilds,British Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell and still covers up the 9/11 WTC massacre that led us into unending war and war debt for them all - he is the product of family who murdered together in Indonesia.How sick can it get ? And the mass murderer Barack Odama who bombs innocent civilians around the world and helps enemies of Americans loot the economy and send U.S.dollars to offshore accounts - certainly sheds no tears for the dying Indonesian orangutan anymore than he does for Africa's chimpanzees.
http://patriotdems.wordpress.com/2009/03/24/the-soetoros-and-the-indones... The Soetoros and the Indonesian Massacres 1965-1999 No wonder Barack Obama didn’t write a book called Dreams from My Mother. The president has said that he wished he had written a biography of his mother, the late Ann Dunham Soetoro, rather than his father, Barack Obama, Sr. And he might have done it well since he lived with her for lengthy periods. But perhaps that tome would have been called Nightmares from My Mother, or Bad Dreams from My Mother and Stepfather. The more I read about the Dunham family the more fictionalized and fabricated they seem; Obama’s mother, in particular, since she is so often trotted out posthumously for photo ops. Her story, as presented by Obama, is simple: she was a free spirit who transcended type casting, spent her life doing for others and preserving native Indonesian crafts. Lolo Soetoro was hardly worth mentioning.O.K., but this is the way it really was: Indonesia 1965-1968. There was an ongoing massacre of PKI party communists and suspected communists in Jakarta and across Java by the Indonesian Army and anti-communist Muslim student jihadists. There is no doubt that the U.S. had strategic and economic interests in the Indonesia controlled by Sukarno, and those interests had a bloody reprise. ........... Because the main grievance of Davenport was the fact that Barack Osama Obama himself has insisted on a cover up of complete disclosure of his own Hawaii birth certificate,thus inviting or encouraging criticism of his dishonesty in the best style of his role model W Bush whose policy of mass bombings,mass murder and CIA and orhers including stock frauds and money laundering by European and Israeli and even Arab right wing elites against Americans and allowing both NASDAQ to be sold to thee Sheik Mohamamed Al Rashid bin Maktoum and the NYSE to corrupt right wing Zionist Angela Merkel's Germany he is below contempt and is simply a protected criminal who ,so far, is above American law he is supposed to uphold,,he deserves disrespect. Furthermore it has now come out that he is also apparently parading around as President of the CIA,I mean USA,with a phoney social security card or cards ! Dr Richard Ryder - Speciesismrichardryder.co.uk Speciesism is a term coined by Richard Ryder in 1970. The word refers to the widely held belief that the human species is inherently superior to other ... www.richardryder.co.uk/speciesism.html ............................
http://wtpotus.wordpress.com/2011/04/15/obamas-fraudulent-social-securit... Obama’s Fraudulent Social Security Numbers! Posted on April 15, 2011 by Bridgette| 54 Comments Posted with Permission IT’S THE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER STUPID! 4By Helen Tansey The Obama nativity scavenger hunt continues to capture the attention of many citizens here in the US, as well as abroad, but what is flying under the radar, and cannot be disputed, is Obama’s use of a Social Security Number (SSN) issued in the spring of 1977 with it first appearing on his Selective Service Registration of which he applied on September 4, 1980. ............... Barack Osama Obama will do anything for his sponsors - Goldman Sachs.... What a deceiving clown SEC IG H David Kotz is to investigate the White House for supposedly attacking Goldman Sachs when he knows for a fact that Obama is a Goldman Sachs stooge.But then again he,(Kotz), lyed with ex SEC Chair Chris Cox about Goldman Sachs shares being 'naked shorted' by Patrick Byrne's and James Dale Davidson's 'Sith Lord'. H David Kotz says penny stock money launderers such as Bud Burrell,et.al.,(whose threats to me remain on thesanitycheck.con site), spamming the SHO sec.gov web board with over 5000 phoney letters complaining about 'naked short selling' is all the 'proof' he needs.....But Barack Osama just loves H David Kotz,a con artist and fraud just like himself. And now Barack Osama Obama is found to be not only giving money to Israeli's for an environmentally disastrous 'solar energy' project in the U.S.,California but lying at the same time that the company is American ! Besides the many hundreds of millions or billions of dollars in 'gifts' to them he is also 'touting' the company's stock which should be illegal.And yes there is a Goldman Sachs connection - they are directly involved with the Zionists of BrightSource.Don't be surprised when Obama leaves the White House that his assets will have grown substantially from all this corruption and for having far right wing Jews or Zionists,(white folks who lie about or are delusional enough to believe they are 'semites'), and Arab royals and international billionaires in general making his financial situation better than ever.I'm not saying the Saudi and Kuwaiti and Qatar and Dubai and UAE royalty won't be grateful as well.They all work together against American's freedoms and in favor of scum like Barack Osama Obama.They don't want democracy or fair play in in their own Middle East Sheikdoms or in America for Americans any more than Barack Osama Obama or Republicans or Democrats do.Native American or 'Indians' in the area where this monstrosity and an Irsraeli(not American) geothermal project will be constructed are victims as well or as usual.............Anyway it certainly looks like Goldman Sachs is working hard behind the scenes to make their dire predictions come true.Do they plan to retire to Israel or to China like Rupert Murdoch ?
http://www.iraq-war.ru/article/235402 BrightSource: Obama’s Latest Gift To Israel By: atheo on: 09.10.2010 Friday, October 8, 2010 by Jonathan Azaziah ''With bloodstained operating capital money and a billion dollar Obama loan fresh in hand, BrightSource is now moving forward with an IPO in 2011. The Zionist firm has hired none other than Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, two of the criminal banking institutions bailed out by Obama’s administration, to handle the initial public offering. Goldman Sachs was the largest contributor to Obama’s presidential campaign..'' Just when it seemed that war criminal Barack Obama had reached the zenith of subservience to the Zionist entity, he takes his sycophancy to the next level. Obama has already signed a deal with Israel that granted it $30 billion in military aid alone over the next decade (1), and he has proudly declared that his administration has given more security assistance to the Zionist entity than any other administration in history (2). He has restored Israel’s ‘Qualitative Military Edge,’ which is an Orwellian phrase that translates to the US providing Israel with weapons, munitions, vehicles and other technologies to uphold the genocidal occupation of Palestine (3). He has gladly granted Israel $205 million for its Iron Dome missile defense system, which coincidentally, doesn’t work (4). He supports the internationally condemned, criminal, and inhumane blockade of Gaza (5). ......... BrightSource’s founder and chairman emeritus is Arnold J. Goldman, a staunch Zionist who was honored with the ‘Builder of Jerusalem’ award (14) by Aish HaTorah, a radical Zionist organization that operates rabbinical schools for Israeli occupation forces, spreads pro-Israel propaganda through its Hasbara Fellowship programs, and supports the building of illegal Zionist settlements (15). Goldman describes himself as a ‘serious’ Kabbalist (16), a student of ‘Jewish’ mysticism that is deeply rooted in racism and xenophobia (17), and he also is one of the founding members of the International Board of Governors of the Jerusalem College of Technology, which produces advisors for the Israeli Defense Ministry, trains vehicle and aircraft mechanics for IOF, and prepares students to enter the Israeli Communications Corps and Intelligence Corps (18)............. Obama has touted BrightSource as a part of his clean energy initiative, but there is nothing clean or environmentally safe about the Zionist firm, especially its investors. BrightSource has raised $160 million in operating capital through several energy companies, including BP and Chevron (20). BP, as it is widely known, is responsible for the gulf oil disaster, which has been fully covered up by Obama’s administration (21). Obama has assigned Zionist asset Kenneth Feinberg to ensure minimal liability for BP and lobby aggressively for victims of the oil spill to take out-of-court settlements, eliminating government culpability (22). In a recent study conducted by the Center for Public Integrity, BP has been discovered to have produced 97% of the refinery violations in the US (23). Chevron is responsible for an even more devastating disaster in the Ecuadorian Amazon, where the corporate entity has dumped 37 million gallons of crude oil and wastewater between 1964 and 1990 (24). Chevron is also complicit in the atrocities being committed in Nigeria and has directly contributed to the ungodly oil spill that has ravaged the African nation for a disgraceful 50 years (25). BrightSource will be building its 370-megawatt power plant in California’s Mojave Desert, and it has already faced objections and protests from 8 environmental groups and several Native American tribes, due to the threat it poses to the endangered desert tortoise and many rare native plants (26). ...... With bloodstained operating capital money and a billion dollar Obama loan fresh in hand, BrightSource is now moving forward with an IPO in 2011. The Zionist firm has hired none other than Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, two of the criminal banking institutions bailed out by Obama’s administration, to handle the initial public offering. Goldman Sachs was the largest contributor to Obama’s presidential campaign (38). Distinguished scholar, author, and activist Ali Abunimah, who first broke the story about BrightSource (39), commented in his follow-up piece regarding the BrightSource scandal that "Obama did not say anything about a BrightSource IPO, but nevertheless his boosterism about the company in a presidential address clearly has market implications. Obama's intervention on behalf of BrightSource seems particularly odd and inappropriate. He touted it as an example of creating American jobs with American technological ingenuity, and specifically warned against allowing jobs and ‘competitive advantage’ to flow to India, China or other foreign countries. But as an example of supporting domestic clean energy industries, BrightSource is at best a dubious case. Many of the jobs will be created and stay in Israel, and the high-tech benefits and patents are also being developed in Israel (40)." While Israeli cleantech companies have taken a major hit and are unable to secure venture capital due to the slow recovery in the ‘green’ sector, BrightSource, Avara, and another Obama-funded company, Ormat Technologies, are thriving. Obama has guaranteed Ormat $350 million in loans for three geothermal power plants in Nevada (41). Ormat is also building a 120 megawatt solar power plant in Ashalim, an illegal Zionist settlement in Al Naqab, populated with Israeli students and entrepreneurs strengthening their relations through the Ayalim Association, founded by a group of IOF veterans in 2002 (42). Ormat is owned by the ardent Zionist husband and wife team of Lucien and Yehudit Bronicki. Lucien serves as a member of the Executive Council of the Weizmann Institute of Science, which has several interdisciplinary programs closely tied to Israeli intelligence; he has received the Rothschild Award for Innovation, which is handed out by the Zionist entity’s president; and in 2005, he received honors from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, a key research center for Israel’s nuclear program (43). ................ WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert Wilders,Barack Obama Declare 9/11 Official April Fools Day by Tony Ryals 08/2010 - 23 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 08/2010 - 23 end_of_the_skype_highlighting:58
http://twincities.indymedia.org/2010/sep/wtc911icts-internationalny-mosq... ..................... U.S.Resident Barack Obama,Secretary of StateCocaineTrafficker Hillary Clinton and Argentina's U.S. Military Coup Scandal by Tony Ryals02/26/2011
http://twincities.indymedia.org/2011/feb/usresident-barack-obamasecretar... ..................... Barack Obama's U.S.Ambassador China Utah Gov.Jon Huntsman,Fraud,Toxic Chemicals Tony Ryals | 06.06.2009 01:41
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/06/431827.html ..... Barack Obama,U.S.China Ambassador Jon Huntsman Jr,Bud Burrell Death Threats,Stock Fraud Tony Ryals 06 Jul 2009
http://chicago.indymedia.org/newswire/display/87036/index.php ................. 911,WTC,Israel:Barack Obama Skinny Idi Amin ? Tony Ryals, 12.09.2009
http://indymedia.us/en/2009/09/39062.shtml ........ 9/11,Daniel Pearl,Barack Obama,Joe Biden,Pakistan General Ahmad . www.phillyimc.org/.../911daniel-pearlbarack-obamajoe-bidenpakistan- general-ahmadmansoor-ijazwsjasra-nomaniicts-israel-cres .... WTC,9/11,Moscow Domodedovo Airport Bombing:Barack Obama,Medvedev Both cover up ICTS Israeli Mass Murder
http://austin.indymedia.org/article/2011/02/01/wtc911moscow-domodedovo-a... E-Mail: wolfblitzzer0@gmail.com |