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UK:'Pre-crime' arrestaties ivm koninklijke trouwerij Tijdsgeest - 30.04.2011 00:51
Diverse Anarchisten zijn de afgelopen dagen gearresteerd onder zogenaamde pre-crime wetten. Onder hen was Charlie Veitch van de Love Police. 28 april, een dag voor de trouwerij werd Charlie door de politie in zijn huis gearresteerd. Dit ondanks zijn bezoek eerder aan het politieburo waarin hij aangaf geen geweld e.d. te gebruiken maar alleen gebruik te maken van zijn "recht" op vrijheid van meningsuitting, tijdens deze koninklijke aangelegenheid. Dit ondanks eerdere aankondigingen dat mensen recht op protest hebben, door de engelse politie.  Charlie vs Politie De brief van zijn vriendin Silkie over de arrestatie: Hi guys, My apologies for sending this to multiple emails – this news is important and needs to get out quick, and these are the only Infowars addresses I have. My boyfriend, Charlie Veitch of the Love Police (UK) was arrested today from our own home on suspicion of a ‘conspiracy to cause a public nuisance’ tomorrow at the Royal Wedding. By nuisance, they mean speaking freely in a public space, which is what Charlie does. He went to the police recently, on his own accord, to discuss how he is entirely non-aggressive and not a threat to them but a friend to them. If you were wondering if the UK is still a democracy – the answer is evidently no. I have never known so many democratic activists be arrested, not only on suspicion of thought-crime, speech-crime, or political assembly crimes – but now actually these ‘offenses’ as PRE-crime?! My name is Silkie – I am Charlie’s partner and a student of politics and psychology at The University of Cambridge. I would very much like to get the word out to your listeners/readers. I’d particularly ask anyone who is similarly outraged by this to call (+44) 845 456 456 4 and ask for the custody block, who will be quite aggresive and rude (as they have been to me), in order to maintain the pressure and demand his release. Volledige artikel: http://www.infowars.com/charlie-veitch-arrested-in-pre-crime-raid-prior-to-royal-wedding/ Charlie's youtube kanaal: http://www.youtube.com/user/cveitch?blend=1&ob=5 |
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