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Amsterdam: Next eviction wave nn - 10.05.2011 11:51
Today Hasebroekstaat got the eviction letters. Today Tuesday May the 10th, at the indecent hour of 10:30 am two very ugly, smelly and mean cops woke us up or got us out of the shower (there are some over-achievers among us that were already awake), with a smile on their face giving us a letter saying that we had to fuck off in 8 weeks. I guess most people know that this means we have 1 week to make the courtcase against the state's decision. Some of us have not slept at home so they will probably find out through this indymedia post because we have no phone credit to call them... We are definitively not happy with having seen these digusting two men as the first people of the day. we are now crying and group hugging while having the first coffee of the day. If more houses are recieving letters in the comming days please report in indymedia. |
Lees meer over: wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina | update | still nn - 10.05.2011 12:07
after talking we have decided that our future strategy is to find partners with houses. you will be able to find us "giving interviews" at most squatters bars... we'll be fine... | Bea | NN - 10.05.2011 13:59
Maybe one of you should hook up with Beatrix, she's been single for a few years. And she's got a really big house or two, so she won't mind bringing along a few friends. | leuke vertaling | nn - 10.05.2011 17:27
leuke vertaling :) hoewel ik wel kan lachen met het stukje dat op indy gegooid is vind ik het een beetje jammer dat op een open-posting nieuws site het typische krakers-beeld weer even omhoog gehaald word. Zo komt de kraak beweging inderdaad over als een stel luie, werkloze, nietsnutten. Dit terwijl er ook een net bericht kan worden neergezet waar iedereen wijs uit word, toch? | |
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