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announcement Public-Hospital Medical Doctors | GIO - 11.05.2011 19:12
Public-Hospital Medical Doctors Union (Athens – Piraeus) Nikaia General Hospital branch Announcement 11/5/2011 Today we witnessed an endless and unthinkable brutality that the government of the “memorandums” (cc memorandum = the agreements of the Greek government with the ECB, the EU and the IMF) uses in order to suppress any reaction of citizens that resist the plots of international and domestic capital, that are employed by their loyal servants within the country. Tenths of injured demonstrators, hit by the riot police, were brought by ambulances or by their own means to our hospital. Most of them were hit on the head. Amongst them a 30-year old demonstrator was brought in critical condition due to a vast epidural hematoma. This very moment he is undergoing a surgery and our colleagues are fighting to save his life. We denounce the police abuse of power and brutality. We hold all the members of the Greek Government and the Prime Minister responsible for the assassination attempt against this civilian who is in a critical life-threatening position and against all other injured demonstrators. The violence and the oppression against the people will soon be defeated. The government is threatening the life of the citizens both by enforcing brute violence and by devastating any social right, even those necessary for the mere survival of the people. The only thing that they achieve is the strenthening of our will to fight till the end, so that our our people can enjoy bread, education and freedom. We will not rest until those responsible for the assassination attempt are punished! We will not rest until the people gain all that is rightfully theirs!
| News for the condition of the demonstor | Griekenland is Overal - 12.05.2011 11:17
 According to the official announcement of the Nikaia hospital, the brain surgery was successful. Nevertheless, the chances of survival for the wounded demonstrator remain 50%. According to the surgeon P. Papanikolaou, he fell in a coma when he was receiving first aid help at the hospital. If he hadn't been at the hospital at this moment, he would have already been dead. The doctors assume that he was not hit by a baton but with another item used as a weapon. They said that probably, he was hit by a small fire extinguisher that is part of the equipment of the riot police. For the government, the decisiveness of the medical doctors in the Nikaia hospital is very unfortunate. As from the first moment, they did not allow the government to cover up the incident. There are another 12 demonstrator that were rather severely injured by the police. 2 of them (on top of the aforementioned demonstrator) were operated yesterday. A proof of police violence is shown in the photo attached. The riot policeman is hitting a demonstrator with the metal handle of his baton with the aim of inflicting a hit with serious consequences on the demonstrator. Such an action is prohibited by the law and the rules of engagement of the Greek police. This evening the work-floor trade unions have called for a demo against police repression in Athens and other cities. Website: http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1289317 | 21year old immigrant murdered in Athens | Griekenland is Overal - 12.05.2011 11:22
Together with police violence, a resurgence of extreme right violence occurs in Greece. With the full support of the government, extreme right groups occupy squares in Athens, kicking out immigrants with the use of violence. A few days ago, a 44-year old Greek was murdered in the city centre by criminals that were said to be foreigners (this is not verified). Yesterday night, a 21-year old immigrant from Bagladesh was brutally murdered in the city centre without an obvious reason. This was probably an action of retaliation. | |
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