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Thursday Demo: Also in Solidarity with Comrade in Greece Jelle - 11.05.2011 21:48
Let's make sure that tomorrow during our demonstration against police violence we also stand still for a minute with the comrade in Greece who has been life-threateningly injured by riot police today. Information, see previous post by GIO: http://indymedia.nl/nl/2011/05/75971.shtml  In general about the police repression today: "Toward the end of what had been an otherwise largely uneventful demonstration for the General Strike in Athens, the police launched an unprovoked, vicious attack: tens of demonstrators passing in front of the store “Attica” on Panepistimiou Avenue were encircled by riot police who kicked them, crushed them against the pavement and threw tear gas and stun grenades indiscriminatingly, directly into the crowd. There are at least twelve people injured. One 30-year old demonstrator is in critical condition. He was transferred to the Nikaia General Infirmary in a life-threatening state and undertook surgery. He is in the intensive care unit and according to doctors his condition will remain critical for the next days, at least. There were clashes between police and demonstrators in Exarcheia earlier in the evening. At least seven more people were seen being detained right outside the gates of the Athens Polytechnic."
http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/ |
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