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Stop de proefdier handel!VIDEOS,Cyber Actie+Update Spirit Of Squatters Collective TV - 14.05.2011 18:44
links, SOSCTV update, Anti KLM Cyber Actie and info  Spirit Of Squatters Collective TV Here You can see the clip news from yesterday action bij KLM + not edited short interview (part):
http://ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com/2011/05/stop-de-proefdier-handeldemo-bij-klm.html BTW Spirit Of Squatters Collective TV update: Partij voor de Dieren tegen Kernenergie:
http://www.youtube.com/user/spiritofsquatters?feature=mhee#p/u/3/7o4GlH8_3nY Tomorrow geveltuinendag in de Pijp. Reminder + video
http://ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com/2011/05/tomorrow-geveltuinendag-in-de-pijp.html KLM cyber actie! EmailAlert CYBER-ACTIE: Air France is de “Official Airline” van het wereldbekende Cannes Film Festival in Frankrijk. Ook zijn ze onderdeel van de Air France-KLM Groep en zijn nummer een transporteur van proefdieren, ze transporteren jaarlijks tienduizenden dieren voor de proefdier industrie wereldwijd.
http://www.festival-cannes.com/en/about/officialPartners.html Neem contact op met de organisatoren van het Cannes Film Festival om ze te informeren over de deelname van Air France in de proefdier industrie. Laat ze jouw ongenoegen horen over hun keuze om Air France tot “Official Partner” te benoemen. EMAIL ADRESSEN:
tardifs@festival-cannes.fr, cinefondation@festival-cannes.fr, festival@festival-cannes.fr, latelier@festival-cannes.fr, marketbadges@festival-cannes.fr, marketinfo@festival-cannes.fr, network2011@festival-cannes.fr, presse@festival-cannes.fr, presseaudio@festival-cannes.fr, residence@festival-cannes.fr, sfc2011@festival-cannes.fr, webmedia@festival-cannes.fr VOORBEELD BRIEF (vrij om aan te passen): For the attention of the Cannes Film Festival; I have been deeply saddened to learn that Air France is an "Official Partner" in your organisation, and that Air France has even be described as the "Official Airline of the Cannes Film Festival". I'm sure you will not be aware but Air France is the number one transporter of laboratory animals; often transporting dogs, cats, monkeys and other animals destined for research laboratories in the cargo holds of their passenger planes, alongside their passenger's luggage! Air France is the only passenger airline transporting monkeys from Mauritius, transporting thousands each year, yet there have been numerous investigations into the Mauritian primate trade and each time shocking animal cruelty has been uncovered: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vAESsMkAXs The majority of airlines have banned the transport of laboratory animals, often following objections from their passengers, and Air France is one of the few passenger airlines to to be involved in this trade. Many scientists now reject the efficacity of animals in scientific research and the weight of evidence suggests that animal research is ineffective in predicting results in human beings: http://www.safermedicines.org/ I ask that you raise my concerns with your "Official Partner" and that you reconsider your own position in the knowledge of what they are complicit in. I imagine many of your guests wouldn't approve of the mistreatment of animals and therefore I urge you to consider their opinions when deciding whether to make Air France an "Official Partner" next year. Sincerely, ****JOUW NAAM**** E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
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