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ALGERIA: Police beat up protesting medical students nn - 23.05.2011 19:44
Police surrounded and beat with truncheons medical students in Algeria who were demonstrating in solidarity with striking doctors, reported La Tribune. ALGERIA: Police beat up protesting medical students 22 May 2011 Issue: 0078 Police surrounded and beat with truncheons medical students in Algeria who were demonstrating in solidarity with striking doctors, reported La Tribune. The students were attempting to march from the Mustapha teaching hospital in Algiers to the presidential palace, and the police were trying to force them back into the hospital grounds, said the paper. La Tribune reported "screams, jostling, insults and confrontations between the two groups. A man fell on the ground and a police officer kicked him repeatedly. A young woman fainted...Panic broke out". It said hundreds of students of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy had come from different regions of the country to hold a sit-in at the hospital in support of striking résidents - doctors who have finished their studies and are following specialist medical, surgical or scientific training. A résident explained that they had expected the students to join them within the hospital grounds, and no march outside had been intended. The students had not respected their plans and had acted alone. The unlimited strike started at the end of March and is followed by 90% of résidents, according to Dr Yelles of the Collectif autonome des médecins-résidents algériens in L'Expression of Algiers. They are demanding repeal of their obligations to carry out community service and military service, along with revision of their special status. * This article is drawn from local media. University World News cannot vouch for the accuracy of the original reports. Website: http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=2011052018570557 |
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