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G8 Leaders Fool's Pride Videos 1st and 2nd part Spirit Of Squatters Collective TV - 27.05.2011 04:22
link and info  Spirit Of Squatters Collective TV Hier kan je de video zien : http://ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com/2011/05/g8-leaders-fools-pride-video.html MORE PARTS WOULD COME SOON UNDER THIS ANVULLING :) This was call out: G8 is everywhere, so are we! Smash Capitalism | 01.04.2011 15:06 | Globalisation | Social Struggles International call for decentralized actions on 26 and 27 May 2011 Deauville and Cannes are casino-cities in which the scammers of the G8 \ G20 will decide on the wealth and poverty of humanity. But this time we won’t be attending the party. Because it’s not just there, it’s everywhere we’re confronted with facades or images that glorify the capitalist arrogance. Profits from the premade crisis are shamelessely shown despite their systematic use for delinquency and social control Social control? Every movement, every word, every idea is recorded, pursued. Any attempt to live differently or simply to defend our personal rights, is violently suppressed by increasingly violent and concealed abuse of police powers and anti-terror laws, which can be applied to anyone. It is an ideological, economic, spatial, temporal, digital control … Along with our passivity, the essential tool for the survival of capitalism. International laws give a solid implantation of totalitarianism today: capitalism and its profit to the economic and ecological disasters. The referendums are declared invalid. Elected officials are not serving the people. Demonstrations are violently suppressed by a highly-armed police, who unconditionally and naively defend a supra-national power, which uses them by mistake as their private militia. The traditional Democratic appeals are therefore inefficient, regardless of the country we are in. Some people dare to defend themselves, let’s not remain mere spectators in the face of their courage! These countries which rise up and show us the image of a healthy revolution, do not want anymore dictators which are set up by rich countries, nor the corruption promoted by multinational corporations and international laws. The places where capitalism is happening daily, are all strategic places, right there under our windows. What will be discussed at the G8 is happening right now in front of us. Capitalism is unique and world-wide, global conflicts are many and local. Create, get it back, the social link! Only at a local level is it appropriate to administer our struggles and our own lives, using these links and the struggles as a prospect for a different model of civilization, this is now more important than ever! Actions … to protest at the summit sites, confronted with an armed machine of repression, serve for sure, some of us are certain of our expectations, but this limits our effectivity. Therefore we call for the organization of decentralized actions during the G8 summit in France and elsewhere. We call on non-organized people and groups to organize themselves locally to perform the action in places, forms of action and issues of their choice. Blockades, attacks against symbols of capitalism, demonstrations, occupations, camps and other places of alternative life, and the diffusion of texts, images, words, … For a stronger effect and a visual coherence, we propose that the actions of Thursday, May 26 are on local struggles and the 27th for Friday, focus on « social control ». If your inspiration takes you beyound this proposal, go for it! Each country has its ways, each person’s own idea: multiply! The creativity is on our side, be visible, be invisible, let them know loud and clear before, during or after: Capitalism is everywhere, so are we, and we attack where we see it ! www.nog2011.noblogs.org Contact: spazialtri@autoproduzioni.net pgp key on the blog Smash Capitalism - e-mail: spazialtri@autoproduzioni.net - Homepage: http://www.nog2011.noblogs.org Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action (like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!! Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us ! ... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!! http://www.youtube.com/user/spiritofsquatters Spirit Of Squatters Collective is always trying to report and support good things what are happening around us. We trying dayly show You some news. Our goal is to do it daily but 1st we can not be everywhere and 2nd We don't have enough time mainly to edit ( there are many projects waiting for their time...) That's why we waiting for You to help us support good things with our video channel and with creating independent media. and that's few words from our pages: With our activities we want to make this world a better place.Reclaim the media with us.Feel free to use our videos.Now all up to you !!!Real life is beginning when you turn off the tv, computer. See you on the streets in actions !!! WATCH! READ! THINK! REALIZE! TALK! COMMUNICATE! LISTEN! DEFEND! DESTROY! CREATE! CHANGE! GET INSPIRED! UNITE! RECLAIM MEDIA WITH US! JOIN US! FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS! LOVE !!! SQUAT! E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
Lees meer over: globalisering kunst, cultuur en muziek media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | G8 Leaders Fool's Pride - report and pictures | Rebelact - 27.05.2011 12:08
Thursday, May 26th and Friday, May 27th G8 is in Deauville, France. G8 is everywhere - so are we!!... And they all must go! Actions in several cities (see the call for decentralized actions above): Paris, Strasbourg, Nürnberg, Berlin, Hamburg, Kiel, Bremen, Cologne, Barcelona, Dyon, Bordeaux and many more: http://nogactions.noblogs.org Also Amsterdam clowns called for action: "G8 meets in Deauville, France: to solve the Financial Crisis?? the Food Crisis?? the Energy Crisis?? the Climate Crisis?? YES, THEY CAN... BUT THEY WON'T!!!" "When G8 Leaders are fooling around with the world, shouldn't we reclaim the city and our lives with FOOL RESPONSIBILITY?!" Although the weather wasn't great Thursday, May 26th in Amsterdam - many fools showed up for the 'G8 Leaders Fool's Pride'. The procession started around 19.30 in the Leidsestraat. Shouting, singing, dancing - with great music! Shortly after we started also 2 police horses wanted to join, but they weren't clownpletely under control (in the mood to start running...) so unfortunately they had to leave. After a few police vans passed by we entered Heiligeweg and Kalverstraat - enjoying the beautifool shopping area: it's great to go get shopping when in the same moment 'world leaders' are deciding about us! Of course we had our moments for a short break at some of these stores, especially McDonalds - to think and dance about McWorld and McPolitics! Finally we reached the Dam square and connected for a while with the people of the Spanish Revolution. Time to have our 'G8 Leaders Fool's Pride Press Conference'. Don't understand how; but they were all present at the Dam square: Obama, Angela Merkel, Cameron, Sarkozy, Stephen Harper, Naoto Kan and Medvedev. Their statement was short and simple: several times we made impressive promises. Words sounding beautifoooool. In 2005 in Gleneagles billions to develop the southern countries ("Make Poverty History!") and in 2007 in Heiligendamm Angela Merkel spoke about solving the climate crisis... What happened? "YES WE CAN - BUT WE WON'T!!!" Next to it the G8 politicians at the Dam square explained they were also humans: also impressed by what happened at the squares all over the world - in Egypt and other Arabic countries, in Spain and even in Amsterdam. That's why they declared: "It's time for Real Democracy sooner or later or maybe even Now!!!" "Therefore why we should stop with G8 and don't make it G20, but G-7Billion people on the planet: the G-Unlimited!!!" Of course not all G8-leaders agreed - the press conference ended in a big internal fight. They ended all lying down on the ground, too bad, isn't it?! E-Mail: rebelact@ddh.nl Website: http://www.rebelact.nl | G8 Leaders Fool's Pride - verslag en foto's | Rebelact - 27.05.2011 14:14
Donderdag, 26 mei en vrijdag 27 mei is de G8 in Deauville, Frankrijk. De G8 is overal - en wij ook!!... En ze moeten allemaal weg! In verschillende steden zijn acties (zie de oproep voor decentrale acties hierboven): Parijs, straatsburg, Nürnberg, Berlijn, Hamburg, Kiel, Bremen, Keulen, Barcelona, Dyon, Bordeaux en vele anderen: https://nog8actions.noblogs.org Amsterdamse clowns riepen ook op voor actie: "De G8 komt bijelkaar in Deauville, Frankrijk: om de Financiële Crisis op te lossen?? de Voedsel Crisis?? de Energie Crisis?? de Klimaat Crisis?? JA, DAT KUNNEN WE... MAAR DOEN WE NIET!!!" "Wanneer G8 leiders met de wereld sollen, zouden wij dan niet de stad en onze levens moeten terugeisen met VOLLE VERANTWOORDELIJKHEID?!" Hoewel het weer in Amsterdam op donderdag 26 mei niet fantastisch was, kwamen veel fools voor de 'G8 Leaders Fool's Pride". De optocht begon rond 19.30 uur in de Leidsestraat. Schreeuwend, zingend, dansend - met goede muziek! Kort nadat we begonnen waren, wilden ook 2 politiepaarden met ons meedoen, maar ze waren niet clownpleet onder controle (ze hadden zin om te gaan rennen...) dus helaas moesten ze vertrekken. Nadat een paar politiebusjes langskwamen, kwamen we aan bij de Heiligeweg en Kalverstraat - om te genieten van dit geweldige winkelgebied: het is fantastisch om te gaan shoppen op hetzelfde moment dat de 'wereldleiders' over ons beslissen! Vanzelfsprekend hadden we onze momenten voor een korte pauze bij sommige van deze winkels, met name McDonalds - om na te denken en dansen over McWereld en McPolitiek! Uiteindelijk bereikten we de Dam en kwamen even samen bij de mensen van de Spaanse Revolutie. Tijd voor onze 'G8 Leaders Fool's Pride Persconferentie'. Begrijp niet helemaal hoe, maar ze waren allemaal aanwezig op de Dam: Obama, Angela Merkel, Cameron, Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Stephen Harper, Naoto Kan en Medvedev. Hun statement was kort en simpel: verschillende keren maakten we indrukwekkende beloftes. Woorden die prachtig klonken. In 2005 in Gleneagles miljarden om de zuidelijke landen te ontwikkelen ("Maak Armoede Geschiedenis!") en in 2007 in Heiligendamm sprak Angela Merkel over het oplossen van de klimaatcrisis... Wat gebeurde er? "JA WE KUNNEN IETS DOEN - MAAR WE DOEN HET NIET!!!" Daarnaast verklaarden de G8 politicians op de Dam dat ze ook mensen waren: ook onder de indruk door wat er op pleinen over de hele wereld gebeurt - in Egypte en andere Arabische landen, in Spanje en zelfs in Amsterdam. Daarom gaven ze aan: "Het is tijd voor Echte Democratie vroeg of laat of misschien zelfs wel Nu!!!" "Daarom moeten we stoppen met de G8 en er geen G20 van maken, maar G7miljard mensen op de planeet: de G-Onbegrensd!!!" Natuurlijk waren niet alle G8-leiders het met elkaar eens - de persconferentie eindigde in een groot intern gevecht. Ze eindigden allemaal liggend op de grond, niet zo erg, toch?! E-Mail: rebelact@ddh.nl Website: http://www.rebelact.nl | more pictures | Rebelact - 28.05.2011 16:49
 Fotograaf: Paul Koene  Fotograaf: Paul Koene  Fotograaf: Paul Koene . Website: http://www.photostories.nl | . | Rebelact - 28.05.2011 16:55
 Fotograaf: Paul Koene  Fotograaf: Paul Koene  Fotograaf: Paul Koene . Website: http://www.photostories.nl | |
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