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En in de tussentijd, Australia, Aboriginal mensenrechten nn - 01.06.2011 19:43
Al sinds jaren probeert de Australische regering de inheemse bevolking te assimileren met alle gevolgen van dien. Zie de trailer van Our Generation Al sinds jaren probeert de Australische regering de inheemse bevolking te assimileren met alle gevolgen van dien. Zie de trailer van Our Generation Website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElW6M0hU7jo |
aanvullingen | Dank je wel! | NN - 03.06.2011 16:42
 White Australia has a black history Thank you so much for posting this. I watch on in disgust at so many things that the Howard government has done in/to Australia and Australians. I shudder when I hear right wing racists here in NL use his speeches to incite hatred against immigrants in the Netherlands. Knowing that Howard has perjured and lied without bating an eyelid in order to incite hatred and manipulate elections. But to use child sexual abuse as a reason to takeover the lands and townships of the Aboriginal people is beyond evil. Its an atrocity. Child sexual Abuse, despite irrefutable evidence to prove that it is one of the major causes of debilitating mental illness and asocial behaviour in adults, is rampant also in white communities. With statistics here in the Nl and in Australia rating at 1 in 3/4 girls and 1in 6/7 boys abused before legal age of consent. According to studies undertaken by prominent thinkers and feminists such as Alice Miller and Judith Herman the most likely abuser of children is a 'normal man' usually a patriarch in his family and community. CSA is a sign of an oppressed people but knows no class, judges, princes, architects, bureaucrats, miners, the underemployed and street cleaners are just/equally as likely to abuse their or other people's children. Those who were abused abuse, to illustrate 97% of sex offenders in prisons in the US are survivors of child sexual abuse. What Howard has done is not only misinform the population about child sexual abuse and its nature, but he has lied blatantly to take more of the lands from the aboriginal people. Who have fought legally and with everything they have to maintain them for decades. Their story of resistance is as courageous and inspiring as it is harrowing. However, the genocide continues and is just as barbarous and disgusting as ever. Howard's government did not have many principles to speak of. I am so ashamed of white australia, anyone with a shred of decency would never stand for this horror. It is the rape of everyone's dignity.
http://sites.google.com/site/aboriginalgenocide/australian-aboriginal-genocide | |
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