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lol en hébergeant les pédophiles gendarmes chez elle : La pieuvre pédophile de la gendarmerie en France se fait ses propres noeuds dans ses tentacules à force grillée en live sur internet la gendarmerie pédophile lol ! La gendarmerie doit se débarasser de ces brebis galeuses gendarmes pédophiles lol ! Faites vite donc le ménage anti pédophile dans nos casernes de gendarmerie et nos maisons de la gendarmerie lol ! car INTERPOL va vous passer sur le torse et le juge VAN RUYMBEKE de même que le Procureur de la COUR PENALE INTERNATIONALE DE LA HAYE et la JUSTICE AMERICAINE qui ont tous les dossiers in line lol ! VIVIANE REDING OUR VICE PRESIDENTE DE LA COMISSION EUROPEENNE COMISSAIRE EUROPEENNE A LA JUSTICE J'ADORE LE LUXEMBOURG ! I LOVE THE LUXEMBOURG ! JE NE RETIRE RIEN DE CE QUE J'AI DIT SUR LA FRANCE PEDOPHILE ! I DON'T REMOVE WHAT I SAID ABOUT THE FRANCE PEDOPHILE ! http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/reding/index_fr.htm MELISSA C.JACKSON JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK CITY Hon. Melissa C. Jackson. New York City Criminal Court 100 Centre street. New York, NY 10013 (212) 374-5292. Judicial Offices. Supervising Judge FIGHT AGAINST THE FRENCH PEDOPHILIE GEDARMERIE WHO IS RELIED WITH WHICHITA PEDOPHILIE SYSTEM Judge Melissa C. Jackson, an Acting Supreme Court Justice currently serving as the Supervising Judge of New York County Criminal Court, Supervising Judge, Criminal Court, New York County, Appointed by Chief Administrative Judge Ann Pfau, 2008 to present Judge, Criminal Court of the City of New York, Appointed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, 2003 to 2007; reappointed, 2008 to 2017 http://www.seattlepi.com/mediaManager/?controllerName=image&action=get&id=994456&width=628&height=471
http://www.nycourtsystem.com http://www.nycourtsystem.com/Applications/JudicialDirectory/Bio.php?ID=7029970 STATES OF NEW YORK - PROTECT KIDS AND CHILDREN AGAINT FRENCH PEDOPHILIE GENDARMERIE :) judicial directory NEW YORK SUPREME COURT MANHATTAN Hon. Melissa C. Jackson fight aigainst us porno pedophiles and french pedophilie gendarmerie New York City Criminal Court 100 Centre street New York, NY 10013 (212) 374-5292 lol en hébergeant les pédophiles gendarmes chez elle : La pieuvre pédophile de la gendarmerie en France se fait ses propres noeuds dans ses tentacules à force grillée en live sur internet la gendarmerie pédophile lol ! La gendarmerie doit se débarasser de ces brebis galeuses gendarmes pédophiles lol ! Faites vite donc le ménage anti pédophile dans nos casernes de gendarmerie et nos maisons de la gendarmerie lol ! car INTERPOL va vous passer sur le torse et le juge VAN RUYMBEKE de même que le Procureur de la COUR PENALE INTERNATIONALE DE LA HAYE et la JUSTICE AMERICAINE qui ont tous les dossiers in line lol ! VIVIANE REDING OUR VICE PRESIDENTE DE LA COMISSION EUROPEENNE COMISSAIRE EUROPEENNE A LA JUSTICE J'ADORE LE LUXEMBOURG ! I LOVE THE LUXEMBOURG ! JE NE RETIRE RIEN DE CE QUE J'AI DIT SUR LA FRANCE PEDOPHILE ! I DON'T REMOVE WHAT I SAID ABOUT THE FRANCE PEDOPHILE ! http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/reding/index_fr.htm MELISSA C.JACKSON JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK CITY Hon. Melissa C. Jackson. New York City Criminal Court 100 Centre street. New York, NY 10013 (212) 374-5292. Judicial Offices. Supervising Judge FIGHT AGAINST THE FRENCH PEDOPHILIE GEDARMERIE WHO IS RELIED WITH WHICHITA PEDOPHILIE SYSTEM Judge Melissa C. Jackson, an Acting Supreme Court Justice currently serving as the Supervising Judge of New York County Criminal Court, Supervising Judge, Criminal Court, New York County, Appointed by Chief Administrative Judge Ann Pfau, 2008 to present Judge, Criminal Court of the City of New York, Appointed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, 2003 to 2007; reappointed, 2008 to 2017 http://www.seattlepi.com/mediaManager/?controllerName=image&action=get&id=994456&width=628&height=471
http://www.nycourtsystem.com http://www.nycourtsystem.com/Applications/JudicialDirectory/Bio.php?ID=7029970 STATES OF NEW YORK - PROTECT KIDS AND CHILDREN AGAINT FRENCH PEDOPHILIE GENDARMERIE :) judicial directory NEW YORK MANHATTAN SUPREME COURT Hon. Melissa C. Jackson fight aigainst us porno pedophiles and french pedophilie gendarmerie New York City Criminal Court 100 Centre street New York, NY 10013 (212) 374-5292 |
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