Do. 16-06 Tilburg: Infomeeting G8/G20 Weldaad - 13.06.2011 12:44
Thursday June 16th, 20.00hrs untill 22.00hrs Hall of Fame, st. Ceciliastraat 23, Tilburg Free entrance Introduction by: Kees Stad (Globalinfo/Klasse) Afterwards there will be room for discussion and relevant film-material. Flyer NL to print - Flyer ENG to print -  G8-G20 is everywhere, so are we! This year in France, the G8 and G20 will take place. A gathering of the biggest and most powerful nations in the world. In the social order that these summit-conferences represent, Man and Nature are being subdued to the maximization of profits. 'Vereniging Weldaad' is organizing an info-meeting on reasons for and the urgency of (decentralized) action against G8/G20. E-Mail: Website: |