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Solidarity action on Wed.15.6.11 16.00 in front of Greek emb mgriks(at)gmail.com - 14.06.2011 14:27
Invitation for action  Dutch Revolution! Solidarity action on Wednesday (15jun11) 16.00 in front of the Greek embassy in Den Haag. Dam square group supports solidarity action on Wednesday (15jun11) 16.00 in front of the Greek embassy in Den Haag. In Greece things are moving at a rapid pace, and the occupation/protest movement is building links with the workers. With this strategy, the protestors are realising the massive social (including economic) power they hold in their hands, things can rapidly change. Please support this action in word, and if possible, deed. 1) The General Assembly of Syntagma (that is the main square in Athens) decided to support the General Strike on the 15/06 and to try to create a human chain around the Greek parliament which is located at the same square. 2) They have also decided to continue the actions in the square and to support all the actions of the unions and other organizations which fight for the same goal. 3) They are organizing a big action for the day that the parliament will decide for the new austerity measures. For that say we will also try to organize something. E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
aanvullingen | weg was afgesloten zoveel mensen waren er ! | rosa - 15.06.2011 20:41
De weg was afgesloten, vol met spandoeken en leuzen om de Griekse bevolking te ondersteunen. De drie mensen die er nog net bij konden zijn na een half uur koffie gaan drinken.
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