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TAKE THE SQUARE 19-6-2011 DAM Democracia Real YA --NL-- - 18.06.2011 18:24
>>>>>>>>>>>>PROPOSALS TO THE DAY>>>>>>>>>>>ABOUT EURO PACT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NO TO THE EURO PACT: We are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers. The EURO PACT: New attack on democracy ONCE AGAIN. ONCE AGAIN, the EU leaders endorse a policy misleading the public to the benefit of large financial corporations, instead of defending the citizens. On 27th June, all European governments, including that of Spain, will sign in Brussels a major socioeconomic daylight robbery of an international scope: the so-called Euro Pact, by which the politicians of the European Union agree to legislate the orders of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and the World Bank (WB). Failure to comply with these orders means, the rating agencies that have led Greece, Ireland and Portugal to the ruins (Moody's, Standard & Poor's, and Fitch) will resume their attacks. What do they sign when they ratify the Euro Pact? - The public sector salaries should be consistent with the competitiveness of the private sector, WHICH MEANS: further cuts in the public sector as it must offer the same benefits as the private sector´s derisory wages and increasing working hours. Including a sharp cut in the numbers of public employees. - Therefore all countries should adjust their laws to the dictates of the banks, WHICH MEANS governments are ONCE AGAIN not legislating for the protection and interests of citizens but in the favour of large banking corporations and the markets. - The retirement age will be delayed in all the countries in accordance with life expectancy. - Enhancing competitiveness: linking wages to productivity, just like what has already been done in Spain with the latest labour reform which calls for more flexible redundancy laws, more flexible labour agreements and more flexible contracts, thus endangering the current system of collective negotiation of labour laws. - To foster cheap lay-offs and Temporary Employment Agencies (TEA). The banks will lower the financial strains to encourage the hiring of workers, and in doing so will demolish the Social Security system and will be introducing the figure of "the perpetual intern and the perpetual precarious worker”. - The freezing of all pensions. - Reduction of social benefits. - Reduction of the social protection systems, worsening the Social Security system. - Reduction of spending on education, resulting in poorer results, which are conditions that favour and promote its ultimate privatisation. - Increased direct and indirect taxes for citizens, small and medium businesses and penalties for not complying with the payment of these taxes through fines, interest, fees, etc. - Changes to our constitution and that of the signatory countries with the aim of "adjusting the economy within the parameters of the IMF, ECB and World Bank” resulting in the loss of sovereignty of the people. ONCE AGAIN, governments do not use political power to legislate and to stop the provokers of the crisis and international banks and large hedge funds, for example, stepping in against financial corporations. Instead, with the signing of the Pact of the Euro scheduled for June 27, will strengthen the large financial corporations and adopt policies that are of interest to banks and large European companies. As if we hadn´t had enough, all governments independently of their political colour, will sign this agreement to commit to large financial corporations and thus, as ever, sacrifice the citizens ONCE AGAIN, enabling the financiers to continue defrauding the world using financial products that are as sophisticated as they are risky and fraudulent, and permitting bank usury. Using the deception that to deal with the debt crisis that grips Europe, increasing the competitiveness of national economies can only be achieved by reducing labour costs ... ONCE AGAIN. Still no mention of intervention in tax havens where the great fortunes rest or making laws against tax evasion. Still no talk of taxing financial transactions, regulating rating agencies, etc. Still no mention of measures against unemployment and in favour of social welfare. Still there is no consideration for a public and independent audit of the public debt in order to enable citizens to know what the debt really is and what part of it actually corresponds to the banks and private equity funds which according to the data we have constitutes most of the PUBLIC DEBT. ONCE AGAIN, we are served the impoverishment of society on a platter in benefit of expanding the great fortunes and accentuating the social divide. In this way, the historical record of the profits of large financial corporations are ONCE AGAINenlarged even more, the record high salaries of CEOs and executives will increase even more, and thus we reach record levels of poverty and unemployment. The difficulty of accessing this information is due to the lack of political transparency and the fear that ALL OF EUROPE will TAKE THE STREET. THERE ARE REASONS; ONCE AGAIN, TAKE THE STREET >>>>>>>>>>>>PROPOSALS TO THE DAY>>>>>>>>>>>ABOUT EURO PACT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NO TO THE EURO PACT: We are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers. The EURO PACT: New attack on democracy ONCE AGAIN. ONCE AGAIN, the EU leaders endorse a policy misleading the public to the benefit of large financial corporations, instead of defending the citizens. On 27th June, all European governments, including that of Spain, will sign in Brussels a major socioeconomic daylight robbery of an international scope: the so-called Euro Pact, by which the politicians of the European Union agree to legislate the orders of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and the World Bank (WB). Failure to comply with these orders means, the rating agencies that have led Greece, Ireland and Portugal to the ruins (Moody's, Standard & Poor's, and Fitch) will resume their attacks. What do they sign when they ratify the Euro Pact? - The public sector salaries should be consistent with the competitiveness of the private sector, WHICH MEANS: further cuts in the public sector as it must offer the same benefits as the private sector´s derisory wages and increasing working hours. Including a sharp cut in the numbers of public employees. - Therefore all countries should adjust their laws to the dictates of the banks, WHICH MEANS governments are ONCE AGAIN not legislating for the protection and interests of citizens but in the favour of large banking corporations and the markets. - The retirement age will be delayed in all the countries in accordance with life expectancy. - Enhancing competitiveness: linking wages to productivity, just like what has already been done in Spain with the latest labour reform which calls for more flexible redundancy laws, more flexible labour agreements and more flexible contracts, thus endangering the current system of collective negotiation of labour laws. - To foster cheap lay-offs and Temporary Employment Agencies (TEA). The banks will lower the financial strains to encourage the hiring of workers, and in doing so will demolish the Social Security system and will be introducing the figure of "the perpetual intern and the perpetual precarious worker”. - The freezing of all pensions. - Reduction of social benefits. - Reduction of the social protection systems, worsening the Social Security system. - Reduction of spending on education, resulting in poorer results, which are conditions that favour and promote its ultimate privatisation. - Increased direct and indirect taxes for citizens, small and medium businesses and penalties for not complying with the payment of these taxes through fines, interest, fees, etc. - Changes to our constitution and that of the signatory countries with the aim of "adjusting the economy within the parameters of the IMF, ECB and World Bank” resulting in the loss of sovereignty of the people. ONCE AGAIN, governments do not use political power to legislate and to stop the provokers of the crisis and international banks and large hedge funds, for example, stepping in against financial corporations. Instead, with the signing of the Pact of the Euro scheduled for June 27, will strengthen the large financial corporations and adopt policies that are of interest to banks and large European companies. As if we hadn´t had enough, all governments independently of their political colour, will sign this agreement to commit to large financial corporations and thus, as ever, sacrifice the citizens ONCE AGAIN, enabling the financiers to continue defrauding the world using financial products that are as sophisticated as they are risky and fraudulent, and permitting bank usury. Using the deception that to deal with the debt crisis that grips Europe, increasing the competitiveness of national economies can only be achieved by reducing labour costs ... ONCE AGAIN. Still no mention of intervention in tax havens where the great fortunes rest or making laws against tax evasion. Still no talk of taxing financial transactions, regulating rating agencies, etc. Still no mention of measures against unemployment and in favour of social welfare. Still there is no consideration for a public and independent audit of the public debt in order to enable citizens to know what the debt really is and what part of it actually corresponds to the banks and private equity funds which according to the data we have constitutes most of the PUBLIC DEBT. ONCE AGAIN, we are served the impoverishment of society on a platter in benefit of expanding the great fortunes and accentuating the social divide. In this way, the historical record of the profits of large financial corporations are ONCE AGAINenlarged even more, the record high salaries of CEOs and executives will increase even more, and thus we reach record levels of poverty and unemployment. The difficulty of accessing this information is due to the lack of political transparency and the fear that ALL OF EUROPE will TAKE THE STREET. THERE ARE REASONS; ONCE AGAIN, TAKE THE STREET |
Lees meer over: Agenda europa globalisering kunst, cultuur en muziek vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | WTF | WTF - 18.06.2011 18:44
WTF Een flinke lap text, in het Engels vet gedrukt. En dan nog een keer diezelfde lap text, normaal gedrukt en weer in het Engels. Ik weet wat WTF betekend maar daar houd het wel mee op. Is dit "nieuws" alleen voor engelstaligen? | vertaling | nn - 18.06.2011 23:04
Ik heb een globale vertaling gemaakt en naar eigen smaak/inzicht aangepast en ingekort. NEE TEGEN HET EURO PACT! WE ZIJN GEEN SPEELTJES IN DE HANDEN VAN POLITICI EN BANKIERS. BEZET HET PLEIN ALS PROTEST TEGEN DE AFBRAAK EU-leiders staan op het punt om wéér de grote financiële bedrijven te bevoordelen ten koste van het publiek. Op 27 juni zullen de Europese overheden in Brussel een overal plegen van internationale omvang door de orders van het IMF, de ECB en de Wereldbank om te zetten in wetten. Wie van de regels afwijkt zal door internationale ratingagentschappen als Moody’s en Standard & Poor’s worden afgerekend. Waar tekenen de landen voor als ze het Euro Pact ratificeren? - Lagere publieke salarissen en minder publieke banen – minder leraren, schoonmakers, of buschauffeurs in publieke dienst en met lagere salarissen. - De pensioenleeftijd wordt 'aangepast' aan de leeftijdsverwachting - De pensioenen worden bevroren. - Arbeidsmarkten worden verder geflexibiliseerd zodat mensen voor altijd een precaire baan hebben - Uitkeringen worden gekort - Minder geld naar onderwijs, zodat dat ook privaat ingekocht zal gaan worden voor wie het kan betalen - Een constitutionele verandering zodat wettelijk is vastgelegd wat dat de IMF, het ECB, en de Wereldbank de regels bepalen Wéér zullen overheden hun politiek macht niet gebruiken om de veroorzakers van de crisis te stoppen. Alsof we nog niet genoeg hebben gehad, worden burgers wéér opgeofferd. In plaats van het even ondoorgrondelijke als verraderlijke financiële verkeer aan banden te leggen, wordt de oplossing weer gezocht in het verminderen van de arbeidskosten – in lagere lonen en minder geld naar publieke voorzieningen. Terwijl de salarissen van CEOs even hard stijgen als de werkloosheid, is er geen enkele politieke transparantie over wat de schulden inhouden en wie ze gaan betalen. ER ZIJN REDENEN GENOEG. GA DE STRAAT OP! NEEM HET PLEIN TERUG!
| vandaag is de dag | revolution - 19.06.2011 12:38
ik hoop dat er iemand vandaag komt ik ga ieder geval er het eind van deze middag heen. Het moet toch bij een paar mensen beginnen wil je een revolutie krijgen | dam | - - 19.06.2011 21:43
  dam square | photoshop | m - 20.06.2011 11:30
Why don't you blur the faces before you upload a photo? It only needs 10 sec! Many people don't like to appear on internet. | |
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