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Donderdag BENEFIT VOKU Joe's Garage Porlapacha - 22.06.2011 16:33
Benefit VOKU for COMPITCH (Consejo de Organizaciones de Médicos y Parteras Tradicionales Indígenas de Chiapas)  COMPITCH is a traditional women's health organization in Chiapas that fights to protect traditional medicine, traditions and territories. These communities are under threat of eviction and criminalization. They have decided to stay and resist and called out for solidarity! Come, eat and support this thursday at 7pm at Joe's Garage (Pretoriusstraat 43) ** There will be a photo exhibition from the community Armador Hernández en Chiapas which is part of COMPITCH (by Orin Langelle / GJEP) |
Lees meer over: antimilitarisme feminisme globalisering natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |