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Turi is arrested! NN.it - 28.06.2011 17:09
Val Susa revolt. Turi Vaccaro is arrested. Join the solidarity! NO TAV Around 4.30 am of the 27th of June, a large number of law enforcement officers, about 2000, led the attack to the occupation of Chiomonte No Tav, with the intention to evacuate, to begin the construction of the shipyard. Where now there are fields, forests, valleys, they want to build high-speed rail, upsetting an entire ecosystem. Waiting for them were about a thousand demonstrators, including many residents of the valley itself, opposed to this absurd and useless project, which would devastate an entire valley, carrying cement, pollution and expropriations to the inhabitants, trampling and destroying a mountain, only to speed exchange of goods and passenger transport, as well as to increase the profit of the usual industrials and the usual bankers. The democratic police has made its way through barricades erected by the people with the help of bulldozers, raining tear gas on protesters ( there was a rain of tear gas bomb in the middle of the tent camp with the risk of an arson ), using batons and stopping those who opposed their advance ( like Turi Vaccaro that launched him self against a bulldozer ) , forcing the inhabitants and the protesters to flee to the woods above, and afterwards occupying the land on which stood the occupation. Meanwhile, in factories of the Val Susa metal workers went on strike in solidarity with the demonstrators No Tav, while in the state road and highway to Chiomonte blockades by activists have arisen. The No Tav movement, despite the defeat for the evacuation of the occupation, have certainly not given up! New initiatives will come. All this is not surprising: the violent response of the police and military against protesters who try to defend the territory from the rape of speculators and torturers is the practice in a democratic country, where is not important the health and freedom of citizens, but profits and the interests of big companies and big industrialists. The same politicians from Piedmont, the mayor of Chiomonte, sold the inhabitants of the valley and the environment, in return for millions and millions of euros promised by Europe for the project. The hunger for money and power does not look in the face to anyone or anything, were also the very lives and the ecosystem of an entire valley. We, like the No Tav movement and all the solidarity to this movement that this month have rallied in defense of the occupation of Chiomonte, will not accept neither passively accept that the interests of a few prevail and crush our lives, by submitting to their gray and filthy order. We are accomplice with the No Tav movement, we do not want the valley to be raped in the name of profit! We will fight with every means we deem necessary, the plans of these individuals and the violence of democratic police will not make us afraid, neither stop us! Evacuating the occupation of Chiomonte they have not killed the desire for freedom and rebellion of the people of the Susa Valley! No Tav! A sarà düra! The video of the arrest of Turi Vaccaro:
http://www.youreporter.it/video_Scontri_in_Val_di_Susa_contro_la_Tav_video_integrale_1 Fotos from the first day:
http://torino.repubblica.it/cronaca/2011/06/27/foto/le_prime_immagini_dal_blitz-18266910/1/ Italian indymedia main page object:
http://italy.indymedia.org/it/index.shtml |
Lees meer over: antimilitarisme europa globalisering natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Tips | nn - 28.06.2011 21:32
maybe for the next time its wise to give a little more introduction. Where is it that this struggle takes place. Its kind of hard to understand the story in the beginning. | Turi | Bart - 29.06.2011 11:55
Ah,my old friend is still at it i see! =] Any info on where they hold him and how he's doing? I hope they will treat him well, but I have my doubts because it's not the love-police and knowing Turi he will probably not speak a word =] Here a picture for those who might know him but never knew his name..
| Translation from wikipedia | nn - 30.06.2011 14:13
I'm not a translator, so pardon me. At least I tried! more infos ASAP ---------------------------------------------------------------------
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Tav TAV is an active movement in the Susa Valley contrary to the realization of the new railway line Turin-Lyon, part of Priority Plan 6 planned from the European Union in order to cross-sectionally the continent until the Ukrainian border. Analogous movements of dissent were risen in the beginning of the nintees between Florence, Bologna and Rome and as a result of the disputes in Susa Valley all national movements NOTAV have obtained “a media” window where to expose own arguments. The basic idea of the protest is that the high-speed line planned in Susa Valley is a useless work to the Italian and European population, but is pushed by several lobbies that oversee the possibility of huge profits. In particular the NOTAV evidence that the current line ( Railroad of the Frejus ) is really under powered and that there are impartial studies that predict an increase of the traffic on the director Turin - Lyon. On the other hand the realization of the new railway line would devastate the territory of the valley.The Appraisal of environmental impact is still in preliminary phase. Arguments carried from the movement There are various reasons for which the disputes against the construction of a high-speed line and ability in Susa Valley have born: The elevated cost of the work against revenues that would never afford not even the amortization. The contract that an enterprise of constructions (general contractor) would make with the State, with which the manifacturing enterprise could anytime demand new unexpected financings in order to finish the construction of the work. The Railroad of the Frejus would turn out unused and the traffic on the same one is already in decrease. The pass between Turin and Lyon second to the esteem would be the last one to saturate itself in within of Priority Plan 6 between Lyon and Kiev, and others really more congested drafts, in particular to east of Milan, are still not examined. The non-sense “to cross two times the Alps” for the realization a transeuropean corridor that could be completely situated in plain or lowland hill, through the southern Germany. The long duration of the intense activities, during which are predicted remarkable amount of trucks necessary for the transport of million of m³ of material removed for the digging of the galleries. The mountains valsusine, than based on the plans will have to be crossed from galleries of the order of the tens of kilometers, would have in their inside huge amounts of asbestos and uranium which, during the diggings and the transport, could be diffused until the periphery of Turin neighbor because of the strong wind that sweep the valley frequently. The new high-speed line would be only used for the transport of goods (high ability). According to an analysis carried out from NOTAV group it turn out that its use would be equivalent to use the current line of the Frejus, but moreover there would be to dispose of th debts contracted in the successive years from its realization. The development of the current line would involve smaller costs regarding the realization of a double new line. The possibility of floods of the Dora Riparia during intense activities, let alone several relative water problems to the diggings The construction of a new electric duct ( impacting the environment much more than the one already existing, than in the past had been already cause of a sure dissatisfaction of the population). Problems of acoustic pollution already seen in the high speed trains of the Italian center, multiplied via local morphology ( a valley which set between mountains ). Natural galleries of the order of magnitude of the tens of kilometers would be dug, and if technical incidents or problems will happen it is feared that situations of emergency will be particularly difficult to manage. Supposing the inadequacy of the maintenance of the current lines from the Italian railroads, one presumes that the high-speed line would pander to the same destiny, and in place of the construction of a new line is asked to maintain and improve those already existing. History of the NOTAV movement The NOTAV movement does not have a real date of beginning as it has been born spontaneously as a result of the first public assemblies on the argument held since the beginning of the nintens. There have been numerous manifestations against the TAV, the more important was held on May 31 2003 with a march from Borgone Susa to Bussoleno, the 4 of june 2005 with another march from Susa to Venaus, on 5 November 2005 with a torchlight procession from Susa to Mompantero (ca. 15,000 participants), 16 November 2005 with another march from Bussoleno to Susa (ca. 80,000 participants), 6 December and 8 Decembers. Three permanent occupations in Bruzolo and Borgone Susa have been organized, places in which had to begin the first surveys of 2005 and Venaus where they would have to begin the geognostic gallery (that it will become in service afterwards ) of the base tunnel. At the beginning of November 2005 a huge drilling machine is brought in the territory of Mompantero. For the expropriation of lands the participation of the police has become necessary, because of the firm opposition of members of NOTAV movement, of the mayors and of the citizens. 31 October 2005 Bridge Ganduja torrent 30 nov 2005 Venaus occupation 6 Decembers 2005 Blockade of the Susa Valley 8 Decembers 2005 return to Venaus There has been moments of strong tension but protesters always resisted with passive resistance, although this some people are reached by penal charges, decayed afterwards. The police has then made roadblocks in the entire territory of Mompantero where only the residents, after verification of documents, can pass; moreover the tension was such for which also pupils in order to go to school are forced to show documents to police officers. On the 4th of November 2005 a box with gunpowder is found by police on the road to Giaglione zone, a package that could never explode ( stated byt the police officers of Susa ) but that had bad prominence on mass media; the exponents of NOTAV movement had however immediately condemned the episode and they dissociated from it, some also have supposed the involvement of the secret services to discredit the movement. In the night between 5 and 6 December 2005 the police has made violent irruption in the occupation of Venaus in order to place end to the occupation of the lands on which it would go the future construction yard. Many protestors where hurt and brought to hospital. On the 8 of Decembers 2005 there was a protest against the regarding facts of 5-6 December in Venaus: a march formed from some 70.000 people, has left Susa with Venaus destination. During the manifestation, in the Passeggeri area, there was some contacts with the police that did not allow the passage on the provincial road that goes to Venaus, but the manifestation has continued its march going up along the civil road that goes to Giaglione, turning aside then for an old mountain path. When in Venaus, the population has broken the nets of the fence of the yard and invaded the green fields, blocking the beginning of the work. The lands are placed under police seizure then remove. The NOTAV movement has constituted a new occupation, situated in front of the old one, that will serve also as observatory if they had to begin intense activities. Quickly after the raid of the police in Venaus there where protest from some associations and movements all around italy against the decision of the government. After the tensions between the citizens of the Susa Valley and the Government, tensions produced from the raid of the police, the magistracy has put under seizure the yards of Venaus, abandoned quickly after this decision from the occupants and the same company which charged for the digging intense activities. The government, on the wave of the media impact of the event, has promised to institute a table of confrontation, technician and politician, with the mayors of the municipalities involved and expert named from both the parts. In spite of the local governments of the Susa Valley they continue to ask for being listened, about the political commission nobody ever spoken about it any longer. The president of the commission, Mario Virano, named directly from the government, is contested by movement NOTAV for conflict of interest, as he plays important roles inside companies involved to miscellaneous title in the plan of the TAV: outgoing managing director of the Sitaf (that he manages the A32 freeway and street Traforo of the Frejus), and member of the board of directors ANAS. The table of confrontation is realized under the name of “Observatory”, presided from Mario Virano. Until 2011 there have been various encounters between the mayors and the commission, but NOTAV mayors are excluded to participate. To the Observatory have been able to participate only favorable mayors. The NOTAV movement and the populations of the Susa Valley felt as been fooled and joked, for which they strongly repudiate the Observatory. Moreover, in 5 years, there has never been a direct discussion or confrontation with the populations in order to explain the Plan, rather much propaganda from the lobbies proposing the work. In 2009 a series of ground surveys to the planning of the new tracing is announced. NOTAV Movement has contested and contrasted such actions, because not only they are not functional at the real work, but because considered useless from the technical point of view. During winter 2009-2010 various moments of tension were recorded. 19 December an arson destroys the occupation camp NOTAV of Bruzolo. 19 January 2010 at 3 a.m., with a huge deployment of police, begins the intense activities for the geognostic survey near the autoport of Susa. The movement reacts occupying the freeway of the Fréjus. In order to answer to the attempt to realize the 91 ground surveys previewed from the plan, the NOTAV movement organizes in Susa a protest on the 23 of January 2010 to which there will participate some 40.000 people.
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