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Report and videos from Athens [GIO] Griekenland is Overal - 30.06.2011 18:45
A short report made by Greeks that participated in the demo, filled with videos about what happened yesterday in Athens. People in Greece are shouting the same slogans as back in the '70 during the colonel's dictatorship, just by adding a second verse: "Bread, Education, Freedom, the junta was not ended in '73" The ruling class is frightened by the huge demonstrations and responds with uncontrolled and brutal violence. The people are intimidated. People resist, regroup and return to the squares empowered by the sense of righteousness and against the lives of misery they are leading us to. Old and young, women and men, children all come forward to push back the state oppression forces waving their hands up in the air!!!
http://www.narnet.gr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=506&Itemid=1 The oppression forces, viciously and indiscriminately attack whoever they find in their way. They use chemical weapons, throw stones, explosive riot-control grenades right on the bodies of the protestors. They beat us with their batons directly on our heads, try to set us on fire, to burn our lungs and ultimately to terrorize us. They only succeed in revealing their true face. Them, the ruling class, the EU, the IMF and their government are the ones that are really terrified.
http://vimeo.com/25183916 They arrest old and middle aged people, beat them up, kick them, handcuff them, while they provide asylum for fascist thugs who threaten protestors with knives and iron bars. They ever allow fascists to find refuge at the entrance of the parliament.
https://athens.indymedia.org/local/webcast/uploads/c86a0276.jpg They attack the people on the square, in the metro, even in the medical post of the protest...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWLPAjwRXY4&feature=player_embedded#at=82 They even attack people in restaurants, cafes, grocery stores...
http://kdrasi.wordpress.com/2011/06/30/tromokratia_kai_kempap/ They leave behind injured people and move on
http://aristeriparemvasivyrona.blogspot.com/ "The enemy has entered the city walls" People declare: We don't owe, we won't pay, we won't sell Whatever they do the fear will always be theirs. Their junta will fall. Our civilization is much stronger than their barbaric hordes...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wj1jX0mFtLc#at=208 Comradely for Greece Website: http://griekenlandisoveral.wordpress.com |
Lees meer over: europa vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina | waar istie nou | Molotof - 01.07.2011 15:14
Hier stond toch een kort filmpje tussen waar een agent vol op z'n smoel geslagen wordt en knock out gaat? Er is dan die cirkel om een hand met een scherpe patroon. Kan het niet terugvinden. | |
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