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Brain storm of ideas"beyond the evictions"General Assembly Spirit Of Squatters Collective TV - 02.07.2011 12:49
invitation for open discussion  Brain storm of ideas "beyond the eviction wave" - General Assembly for Squatting Movement Monday 15.00 Schijnheilig, Passeerdersgracht 23bg te Amsterdam. Brain storm of ideas "beyond the eviction wave" - General Assembly for Squatting Movement, so another form ( but continuation ) of City Wide meetings. Together we would like to create ideas to make some not expected steps that hopefully will improve the situation of squatting movement. Everyone may have idea about organizing for example next actions days, campaign, movie, graffiti festival, sleeping action, posters etc. Lets use the advantage that we would be many at the squatting resistance days and together brain storm those ideas, then create working groups who would like put them in to life. By doing it more in the "spanish/dutch/world revolution" way we would like to exercise new way of meetings but also we would like to show among us the solidarity with the world wide struggle against capitalism, austerity measures and social cuts. Why beyond eviction wave ? First because we respect and wouldn't like to interfere in strategy what its already prepared. Second (with all respect for defence) because we would like to start to create the movements what would be more offensive than defending. With more heads we are smarter, with more hearts we are stronger, more hands are making work lighter. Together we are power ! Solidarity is our strength ! E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
Lees meer over: Agenda vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken zonder rubriek | aanvullingen | Movement not 'actions' | nn - 02.07.2011 16:14
Nauwelijks "beyond" als u biedt alleen maar meer van hetzelfde. Meer "actions", meer activisme. Meer van hetzelfde niet werkt. We hebben geen strategie, maar eindeloze discussies over tactieken. We weten niet welke strategie betekent, laat staan hoe je een te construeren. Laten we gewoon ongeacht doorgaan. Website: http://https://www.indymedia.nl/en/2011/01/72843.shtml | HTTP/HTTPS | Techie - 02.07.2011 16:33
Willen jullie nou eens het verschil leren kennen tussen HTTPS en HTTP? Het staat er verdomme niet omdat het zo lekker wegleest. | leuk | nn - 02.07.2011 16:42
Echt fuckin leuk artikel!! Het vat goed de problemen die we hier geconfronteerd in Nederland. "The sort of thing we have come to think of as an “action”, who we think of as social agents, condition each other, and they set our political horizons in a certain way. But if we’re honest, these horizons are inadequate: no number of “actions” in the sense in which they’re currently conceived, will bring down, or even seriously threaten, the government. They won’t help, except insofar as they prove generally radicalising for those who participate for the first time. Our existing social base is unrepresentative and insufficient, and we lack a clear sense of who we should be reaching out to, why, and how. We lack a sense of how the sort of mass, autonomous direct action which is necessary can happen, and what the role of revolutionaries is in that. We’re scared of making propaganda; and lack skills and experience in doing so." | @Techie - 02.07.2011 16:33 | nn - 02.07.2011 23:11
@Techie - 02.07.2011 16:33 Een echte nurd gooit er een regexp tegenaan om de " http://https://" linkjes te fixen. Dus: willen die techies nou eens de verantwoordelijkheid voor usability op zich nemen ipv op users die t niet snappen te zeuren! :) | |
aanvullingen | |