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Call-out for Resistance at Eviction Wave Schijheilig - 03.07.2011 13:59
Dear supporters of Schijnheilig! Help us this upcoming Tuesday (July 5) from about 5:30am in the morning (possibly earlier) to make a spectacular statement against an empty city and for free spaces - for places where not money but creativity counts!  Our dutch call-out flyer On this morning, Schijnheilig at the Passeerdersgracht is supposed to get evicted. Again, we want to show to everyone what Schijnheilig is and what will be forcefully removed from the city of Amsterdam. This is gonna happen through non-violent and creative resistance, by jumping, by poetry, through dancing and screaming. After the cuts of governmental support for culture, free spaces have become the next target. The curtain is falling for Schijnheilig at the Passeerdersgracht - despite months of negotiations with city authorities, despite the strong and wide support for Schijnheilig and despite the fact that there are simply no long-term, substantial plans for the building. The building at the Passeerdergracht will be handed over empty. There is nobody interested in buying it, nor are there any plans for its future use. No need to say that we are angry and that we will fight until the last moment to wake him up. But, if the eviction remains unavoidable, we will form a committee with all our supporters to welcome those enforcing the actual eviction. This means: gathering in the street in front of the building with a stage & breakfast, making the Passeerdersgracht for the last time a place of joyful, yet nonetheless strong and honest opposition. A statement for something beautiful - a different form of society. Come and join us in this expression of freedom, talk about it and invite others! Everyone is - as always - welcome to go up on stage and make their voice heard. The manifestation starts at 5.30am in the morning. Try to be there early, as we expect the eviction to take place around dawn. The manifestation will continue until the riot police have come to their senses. It is possible to sleep over at Schijnheilig on Monday night. Throughout the entire weekend, from Saturday till Monday night, there will be a diverse program happening at Schijnheilig, including further information regarding the eviction. Please follow our website for more information and updates:
http://www.schijnheilig.org Let's keep on fighting, against neglected spaces and against speculation! With militant greetings, Schijnheilig E-Mail: info@schijnheilig.org Website: http://www.schijnheilig.org |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | Slumberparty | SH - 04.07.2011 09:47
For the people that want to stay mondaynight notice that: Be on time. The door of Schijnheilig closes at 11 pm, so we can get some sleep. Alcohol (etc) are not allowed!
| Correction | Schijnheilig - 04.07.2011 15:57
Everbody will eb able to come in and out all night! Only dogs and pigs are not allowed. (sorry dogs) | |
aanvullingen | |