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Antifascist prisoners in need of support (UK) nnnnn - 04.07.2011 15:33
Six antifascists were recently fitted-up and sent to prison. Six antifascists were recently fitted-up and sent to prison. Because of ongoing legal issues, for the moment we are unable to say more about their case, but a full report will eventually be issued. Suffice to say, they have been well and truly fucked over and deserve our fullest support and solidarity. Please write to them. (One person has asked to be left off lists and therefere no longer appears here). As always, assume your letters are being read by our enemies and ensure you do not compromise your own security or that of others. Also please note that Thomas Blak and Austin Jackson are as yet unsentenced. For advice on writing to prisoners see the Leeds ABC website, http://leedsabc.org Andy Baker (21 months) A5768CE HMP Wormwood Scrubs PO Box 757 Du Cane Rd London W12 OAE Thomas Blak (Unsentenced) A5728CE HMP Wormwood Scrubs PO Box 757 Du Cane Rd London W12 OAE Sean Cregan (21 months) A5769CE HMP Wormwood Scrubs PO Box 757 Du Cane Rd London W12 OAE Ravi Gill (21 months) A5770CE HMP Wormwood Scrubs PO Box 757 Du Cane Rd London W12 OAE Austen Jackson (Unsentenced) A5729CE HMP Wormwood Scrubs PO Box 757 Du Cane Rd London W12 OAE |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen | |