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A.s. Maandag: 5 juli NN-ers naar rechtbank Arrestantengroep - 13.07.2011 20:48
Oproep aan iedereen om de NN-ers van 5 juli te steunen in de rechtbank! [english below] Na de ontruimingsronde van 5 juli zijn tegen de 50 mensen in vreemdelingenbewaring gesteld (naar aanleiding van het overtreden van een APV). Vorige week woensdag zijn 8 mensen overgeplaast naar migrantengevangenissen bij Rotterdam en Zaandam Daarvan zitten op dit moment nog steeds 7 mensen vast. Komende maandag zal de rechtbank in Utrecht de wettigheid van de in vreemdelingenbewaring stelling toetsen. Komende maandag vanaf 9 uur zal de rechtbank in Utrecht bepalen of de in vreemdelingenbewaring stelling van (een aantal van) de 5 juli arrestanten op wettige grond is gebeurd. De mensen die nu nog steeds in Rotterdam Zestienhoven (2) en de bajesboot Zaandam (5) worden vastgehouden zullen daar ook bij aanwezig zijn. Hierbij een oproep aan iedereen die in de gelegenheid is om die ochtend aanwezig te zijn bij de zitting. Om de NN-ers te laten zien dat ze er niet alleen voor staan en druk uit te oefenen op de rechter om de mensen direct te laten gaan. Maandag 18 juli om 9:00 Vrouwe Justitiaplein 1 Utrecht Call-out to support the anonymous arrestees of July 5th. Coming Monday the court of Utrecht will decide on the legality of the migrant detention of those arrested (and put in migrant detention) the 5th of July. Of the close to 50 people that where put into migrant detention that day, 6 still remain in migrant prisons in Rotterdam (2) and Zaandam (5) today. We call on everybody to be present at the court Monday morning to support these people and put pressure on the judge to release them immediately Mondagy July 18 at 9am Vrouwe Justitiaplein 1 Utrecht updated addresses: NN1102 NN1305 Airportbaan 18 3045 AN ROTTERDAM NN1612 NN1153 NN1416 NN1535 NN1050 Postbus 180 1500 ED ZAANDAM |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | Correction to english text | Arrestantengroep - 14.07.2011 11:09
"6 still remain in migrant prisons in Rotterdam (2) and Zaandam (5) today." Should be 7 remain in migrant prisons. | Appeal when assigned a different lawyer | FM - 14.07.2011 14:47
This is a call out to the people who where arrested on the 5th of Juli were put in foreign detention but got assigned a different lawyer then Ullersma, and also to the people who did not appeal yet against being put in detention. The appeal is free and you don’t even have to give your name, just the last 4 numbers of the NN number are enough. This number is stated on the paper you got when you left the prison with your stuff, or on the blue plastic which belonged to your personal things. Almost everybody did appeal, but for the people who are still in detention on principle and out of solidarity it would be best that everybody would do this. So if you got assigned a different lawyer then Ullersma (020 344 6200) while in detention and you want to help the people who are still locked up, call her and tell her that you want your dossier to be transferred to her. Also call your previous lawyer (in most cases Femke Verkerk 020 421 2445) and tell her the same. The reason for this is that even though you gave your NN-number to the arrest group, the transfer to another lawyer is something only you can do yourself. This is first time such a big case is held against the way foreign detention is used to keep people longer in detention. This makes it an important case and the more people the better the case!
E-Mail: frankmaasdijk@gmail.com | |
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