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International Animal Rights Gathering in Appelscha this week Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 15.07.2011 02:51
info and program Join us for the 13th annual International Animal Rights Gathering, this year taking place from July 15-17 2011 in the Netherlands. Contact number for Amsterdam: 0644 015 671 (international: +31 644 015 671) Contact number for the gathering site in Appelscha: 0616 528 197 (international: +31 616 528 197) Travel: Please reserve a seat on the buses (link to more info - click here) from Amsterdam to the camp site on Thursday, and/or the way back on Monday. We have a limited amount of places available, so make sure to contact us in time! Press: Sorry, but press are not allowed on the terrain. We also are not able to give interviews - please respect our privacy. Thank you! Legal rights: Click here to read a pdf about your legal rights in the Netherlands. Workshops begin Friday 15th July at 09.45 until Sunday 17th, 19.00. The event features a wide variety of workshops and discussions, as well as some great vegan food and entertainment. The program will contain subjects ranging across the wide spectrum of activism; philosophy of animal rights, setting up groups, organising investigations, effective campaigning, environmentalism, feminism, safety and security, design skills and much more! Activists from all over the world will be getting together to swap ideas, tactics, information and skills, to meet up with old friends and make some new ones, all in beautiful rural surroundings of the Dutch countryside. Please feel free to contact us for more information, give feedback on previous gatherings or send in suggestions for the coming IARG. All suggestions, ideas, volunteers or workshop submissions are welcome. After the gathering there are options to take part in demonstrations during the following week, so feel free to stay longer for even more action! :) See you there! Workshops begin Friday 15th July at 09.45 until Sunday 17th, 19.00. Here is a preview of IARG 2011 program: - Panel discussion about the Possibilities & Borders of Investigation Campaigns - Presentation of Fur Farm investigations 2010/2011 - Meeting of the International Anti Fur Network - Workshop about First Aid for Animals - Presentation of conservation organisation The Black Fish - Screening of documentary about the Estonian circus campaign - Workshop of the Gateway to Hell campaign - Workshop of SHAC - Lecture about Animal Philosophy for Beginners - Book presentation of Change of Heart by writer Nick Cooney - Workshop about Gender Identity and Gender tolerance in the AR/AL movement - Lecture about the Psychology of meat eaters - Presentation of Bite Back's campaign against fishing - Presentation of the AR & ECO movement in Mexico and their current prisoners - Workshop about Dealing with Fear and Repression - Discussion about different Animal rights/liberation grass roots organisation structures - Workshops about investigation & open rescue campaigns - Workshop about the Basics of Sexism and (hidden) Sexism in the AR Movement - Discussion about Animal Rights Gathering vs. Animal Liberation Gathering - Lecture about Sociological Contributions to Animal Liberation: Why do people accept violence against animals? - Presentation of the AR movement in Russia - Drop in sessions Designing - Drop in sessions Computer Safety - Workshop about Fighting the European Cosmetics Directive - Workshop about How to set up a Vegan Prisoners Support Group - Prisoners support writing corner - Discussion about the Possibilities & Borders of Combining Different Campaigning Tactics - Workshop about Communication Skills for Activists - Info market with books, clothes and campaign material - Outdoor games - Movie screenings - Tes (vegan acoustic singer) in concert! ore info here:
http://www.argathering.net Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
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