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Oslo anti-Muslim anti-Left terror, Wilders, Alphen, medi dearkitty - 23.07.2011 10:15
Christian conservative Breivik is suspected of terrorist massacre in Oslo, Norway. What do Geert Wilders, the Alphen massacre, and the media have to do with this? Yesterday, there was horrible terrorism in Oslo, the capital of Norway. Over eighty people, mainly children at a Social Democrat youth camp, were murdered. Let us look at media yesterday, just after the terror in Norway; when no one still knew who did it. No, I have not even bothered to look at the Murdoch empire media and other outfits known for anti-Muslim and/or anti-immigrant bias. The Huffington Post, usually considered a non-xenophobic left of center news source in the USA, published articles speculating about "al Qaeda" and/or other Muslims being the culprits. Reality turned out to be very different from these extremely premature speculations. Breivik, arrested by the police, hates Muslims and socialists. He admires Dutch xenophobic politician Geert Wilders. Like the perpetrator of the Alphen massacre (Dutch media were very shy in pointing out this political sympathy, as they were afraid that Wilders'party would accuse them of being part of a "Linkse kerk", Left church, conspiracy). Like the Alphen murderer, Breivik, according to the Norwegian police, perpetrated his murders with licensed firearms. Read more at
http://dearkitty.blogsome.com/2011/07/23/oslo-anti-muslim-terrorism-and-muslim-media-suggestions/ |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | Alphen | nn - 23.07.2011 11:11
Unlike the Oslo attacks, the Alphen mall shooting was directed at random people. If the perpetrator had any political motives it certainly wasn't showcased in the 'selection' of the victims, which was completely random. What it does show is that parties like the PVV really attracts some disturbing individuals. But that's hardly anything new, now is it? | Alphen not so random, Oslo somewhat random | dearkitty - 23.07.2011 11:36
To nn: The Alphen murderer's first victim was a Syrian refugee poet; at a shopping centre where relatively many immigrant people came. The Oslo bombing near the newspaper and the government buildings was rather random. The newspaper was neither Muslim nor socialist. The present government in Norway IS socialist, or rather: moderate not so left social democrat (including war in Libya, Afghanistan, etc.). Far Rightists like Breivik consider even moderate Social Democrats dangerous leftists. However, the bomb might/may have injured or killed also Rightist newspaper and/or government workers, and was random in that sense. Though the children murdered by Breivik were at a Social Democrat youth camp, that may not have meant they had fully formed political opinions. In that sense, the camp massacre was also random. However, of course there are differences between Alphen and Oslo. Far more victims in Oslo. And Breivik seems to be more of the hard core of the far Right, while Tristan of Alphen was more on the fringe. Breivik seems to be the blogger "Fjordman", a big "star" in the Islamophobic blogosphee. See update at
http://dearkitty.blogsome.com/2011/07/23/oslo-anti-muslim-terrorism-and-muslim-media-suggestions/ Indymedia is not a discussion site, but a news site. So, I would not blame the editors for taking away both nn and this item. Website: http://dearkitty.blogsome.com/ | Permanente anti PVV campagne | Frysk - 23.07.2011 13:44
Niet voor niets heeft AFA FRYSLAN begin dit jaar een permanente anti PVV campagne aangekondigd. ( www.afafryslan.hyves.nl ) Uit de afgelopen vreselijke aanslagen in Noorwegen blijkt, dat ook daar de dader(s), geinspireerd worden door de discriminerende en racistische uitstraling van een partij als de PVV van Wilders. | Noorse gek heeft banden met EDL | Anarchia - 23.07.2011 15:41
op de link hieronder, enkele vertaalde tekstens van die klootzak, gelukig heeft de DDL (nederlandse tak) zich opgeheven. Een van de redenen is militant antira/fa activisme in amsterdam en andere plekken dat de DDL zich heeft opgeheven. NO PLATFORM FOR THE SCUM!!!!!
http://libcom.org/blog/norwegian-spree-killer-had-edl-links-23072011 | Rechtse religieuze soldaten | NN - 24.07.2011 07:03
In het spervuur van de religieuze oorlog vallen de onschuldigen. Mensen gaan ten strijde tegen denkbeeldige vijanden en spelen politici in de kaart, die met vrijheidsberoving de bevolking tegen zichzelf 'beschermt'. Wij willen niet 'anderen' aanwijzen als gevaarlijke terroristen, terwijl de staat ons vastzet. Wij erkennen de gevaren van de angst en xenofobie en halen hier geen energie of haat uit, die leidt tot bomaanslagen, schietpartijen, etc. tegen de zwakke en uitgebuitte mens. Nee, wij moeten ons inzetten tegen de 'sterke' nazi, tempelier, zakenman en moordenaar, die geloofd in haat en strijd. Wij als individuen zullen ons verzetten! | Fjordman is niet Breivik | nn - 24.07.2011 09:51
Fjordman is niet Breivik, hij blogt over de incidenten op een niet nader te noemen weblog. Gaat een beetje moeilijk als je in de gevangenis zit. Een vuilak is het natuurlijk wel. | |
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