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Response to ‘A Marxist critique of Anarchism’ [ASB] - 25.07.2011 14:46
This critique is written by an individual member of the ASB and does not represent an official ASB position. It serves as a discussion piece alone for both members of the ASB and wider elements of the revolutionary left. By K. Fotia This is a response to the paper ‘A Marxist critique of Anarchism – Part one’ published by Poejesh of the Kritische Studenten Utrecht (KSU) on the 22nd of June, 2011. The paper states it’s goal is “to show the nature, inconsistencies and the myths surrounding anarchism from a Marxist point of perspective, which makes it appealing to some people on the radical left” and while the paper states that the first part only focuses on so-called ‘classical Anarchism’, it often extrapolates the criticisms of these currents to the whole body of Anarchist thought and praxis through what is essentially ‘guilt by association’. Often statements are made that ‘no Anarchist thinker has shown/argued…’ or ‘what they mean with this nobody knows’ while there is plenty of Anarchist literature regarding these matters, even amongst the currents of ‘classical Anarchism’. This response is written from an Anarchist-Communist point of view and as such assumes familiarity with several concepts such as the bourgeoisie, proletariat, the nature of class society,etc. Read and discuss the full version here: http://anarcho-syndicalisme.nl/wp/?p=1052  The Left and Mass-Movements The author starts off with the brazen assertion that “given the premisses and implicit assumptions, anarchism will always be, as it has been historically, on the margins of the left”. However, being on the margins of ‘the left’ is a good thing as far as we are concerned, if this ‘leftist’ milieu is to be shared with Social-Democrats and liberals and the like. But claiming Anarchism has been a historically marginal movement is utter nonsense. We need only point to the Spanish Revolution, the Ukrainian Makhnovist Insurgence, the prominent involvement of the FAUD in the proletarian uprisings in 1920s Germany , the prominent role of the USI in the Italian insurgent ‘Biennio Rosso’ or ‘Two Red Years’, the FORA’s role in Argentina’s massive general strikes of the 1920s,etc. And this is only a fragment of Anarchist history. ... Website: http://anarcho-syndicalisme.nl/wp/?p=1052 |
aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina | Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis | nn - 26.07.2011 21:23
Aanvullinkje wat betreft die vlek Nederland : ook Nederland heeft een bloeiende relatief grote Anarchistische beweging gekend toen F. D. Nieuwenhuis in het parlement zat en vlak daar voor als ik het me goed herinner. Moet toch wel even expliciet genoemd. Aanvullingen hier over welkom ! | |
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