DIY Bikefest august 5,6,7 in scheveningen bikefest2011 - 28.07.2011 14:17
DIY Bikefest is a diy organised festival for bicycle freaks, punx and pirates. This year it will take place, just like last year, at the Piratenbar squat next to the sea in Scheveningen. There will be lots of fixing, welding and building of bikes, several workshops, bike-attack bikewars, tallbike jousting, bakfietsraces, infostands, bands &dj’s, vegan food and more. Programma: Vrijdag 15.00h: - Werkplaats open 19.00h: Vega BBQ 20.00h: Alleycat race 21.00h: Werkplaats dicht 21.00 h: Bands – True 24.00h – 01.00h plaatjesdraaiers Zaterdag 10.00h Ontbijt 11.00h: - Werkplaats open ??.00h: Workshop wiel spaken ??.00h: Workshop Fiets onderhoud 15.00h: LUNCH 16.00h: Bakfiets race 19.00h: ETEN 20.30h: Tall bike jousting/skills 21.30h: Bands: - Over the Top - Noodweer 00.00h – 02.00: DJ’s (Zaterdag overdag: bike tattoo's en info stands) Zondag 11:00h Ontbijt 14.00h: vertrek naar de CM 15.00h: Start van de Critical Mass 19.00h: ETEN 20.30h: BikeWars Hierna Bar en films tot 01:00h ------------------------------------------------- Schedule: Friday 15.00h: - Workplace opens 19.00h: Vegan BBQ 20.00h: Alleycat race 21.00h: Workplace closed 21.30h: Bands True 24.00h – 01.00h DJ’s Saturday 11.00h: Breakfast 11.00h: Workplace open ??.00h: Workshop wheelspoking ??.00h: Workshop bike maintenance 15.00h: LUNCH 16.00h: Bakfiets race 19.00h: Vegan food 20.30h: Tall bike jousting/skills 21.30h: Bands: - Over the Top - Noodweer 00.00h – 02.00: DJ’s (Zaterdag overdag: bike tattoo's en info stands) Sunday 11:00h Breakfast 14.00h: off to the CM 15.00h: Start of the Critical Mass 19.00h: Vegan Food 20.30h: BikeWars After this Bar en movies till 01:00h There will be a possibility to put your tent up on the small camping. Take your bike bring your tent but leave your dog and asshole behavior at home. |