Video presentation & discussion: Agribusiness in Argentina Latinas Locos - 03.08.2011 21:11
Video presentation & discussion: Agribusiness and mega mining expansion in Northwestern Argentina  Agribusiness Guests: Els Wijnstra from Chaya Communication, Guillermo Mamani Editor from Renacer & Didi van Dijk ASEED. Program: 18:30Vegetarian soup 19:30 Presentation of the video "Frontiers of Life" 20:15 Questions & discussion about the social and environmental impacts of the export production model in Argentina 20:45 Short videos & presentation of the campaing on the Round Table on (Ir)Responsible Soy and sticker actions at Albert Heijn by ASEED 21:30 Toast & Bar FRONTIERS OF LIFE Agribusiness and mega mining expansion in Northwestern Argentina 43 minutes Synopsis "The conquest of the land that today is known as America, has meant centuries of exploitation and theft of natural resources in the name of "civilization and progress", leading to the extermination of natural and cultural diversities. This process has continued until today. In Northwestern Argentina the expansion of soy and sugar cane monocultures and mega mining projects cause pollution, deforestation, death and conflicts over millions of hectares of land. Here, indigenous peoples and peasant communities resist the progress of destruction, in the frontiers of life." 11 august 18:30 Budapest Pesthuislaan, behind the statue of the Budha WG-Terrein complex, Paviljoen 2 Near Overtoom, Amsterdam West Organized by:, ASEED and Chaya Communication |