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[Am*dam] Next friday aug 12th Solidemo @ Prisonboats Zaandam 5th of july solidarity network - 08.08.2011 08:43
A.s. vrijdag zal er weer een lawaaidemo zijn bij de bajesboten in Zaandam. Kom onze vrienden en alle gevangen ondersteunen! Next friday there'll be a noisedemo at the prison boats in Zaandam. Come and support our friends and the rest of the prisoners! Onze vrienden zitten nogsteeds vast sinds 5 juli en dat vinden we maar niets. We vinden die hele vreemdelingen bajes (en eigenlijk alle andere bajessen) maar niets. Daarom verzamelen we om 19:00 bij het Domela Nieuwenhuis standbeeld bij het Westerpark. Neem herrie en je fiets mee! Our friends are still in prison since the 5th of july and we don't like that at all. Actually we don't like the whole foreign detention centre (or whatever other prison). Therefore we gather at 19:00 at the Domela Nieuwenhuis statue. Take some noise and your bike! Meer achtergrond info / more background info: 5thofjulysoli.noblogs.org E-Mail: 5thofjulysolidarity@riseup.net Website: http://5thofjulysoli.noblogs.org |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | Meeting Point | enn enn - 10.08.2011 16:11
not the world's handiest meeting point, compadres, but at least now i know who Domela Nieuwenhuis was. and i think i've spotted his statue:
http://maps.google.com/maps?q=nassauplein+amsterdam&hl=en&ll=52.38503,4.881363&spn=0.049977,0.110207&sll=52.386777,4.881481&sspn=0.000789,0.001722&z=13&layer=c&cbll=52.38526,4.881605&panoid=ollC3xUw6Ox0iGsJEyfQfw&cbp=12,102.45,,0,0 see ya friday!! | |
aanvullingen | |