[Am*dam film] Mijnbouw en agribusiness in NW Argentinië ASEED - 10.08.2011 20:35
Video presentation: Agribusiness and mining expansion in Northwestern Argentina Date: Thursday, 11th August 2011 Place: Café Budapest – WG-terrein, Pesthuislaan, Near Overtoom, Amsterdam West Time: 18:30 hr.  Guests: Els Wijnstra (Chaya Communication), Guillermo Mamani (Editor at Renacer) & Didi van Dijk (ASEED) Video synopsis: FRONTIERS OF LIFE - Agribusiness and mega mining expansion in Northwestern Argentina (43 minutes) The conquest of the land that today is known as America, has meant centuries of exploitation and theft of natural resources in the name of "civilization and progress", leading to the extermination of natural and cultural diversities. This process has continued until today. In Northwestern Argentina the expansion of soy and sugar cane monocultures and mega mining projects cause pollution, deforestation, death and conflicts over millions of hectares of land. Here, indigenous peoples and peasant communities resist the progress of destruction, in the frontiers of life. Programme: 18:30 Vegetarian soup 19:30 Presentation of the video "Frontiers of Life" 20:15 Questions & discussion about the social and environmental impacts of the export production model in South America, specifically in Argentina and Bolivia 20:45 Short videos & presentation of ASEED's campaign on the Round Table on (Ir)Responsible Soy and sticker actions at Albert Heijn 21:30 Toast & Bar Organized by: Noticias, ASEED, Chaya Communication About the Organizations: Chaya Communication Chaya is a multidisciplinary team from Argentina that comes together in order to create tools of awareness raising and political formation, thereby supporting better comprehension of social conflicts and stimulating action. We choose to work principally with video, because this medium allows us to link local experiences to global processes through a language that, because of its dynamics, is effective in various spaces. We believe that communication is a principal axis in the processes of social organization.
http://www.chayar.com.ar Newspaper Renacer
http://www.renacerbol.com.ar ASEED ASEED Europe (Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment, and Diversity Europe) is an international campaigning organisation, giving importance to involving youth in direct democracy activities. A SEED Europe targets the structural causes of environmental destruction and social injustice. Currently ASEED focuses on issues related to the global food chain and climate change: genetic engineering, soy monocultures, power concentration by global agro/biotech giants, agrofuels and meat consumption, and international financial and trade institutions.
http://www.aseed.net Website: http://www.aseed.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=849&Itemid=1 |