Eviction callout from ZAD mm - 17.08.2011 13:15
Two years ago, in the area set aside for the construction of a new airport, we reclaimed the land and the houses left abandoned. Two years, to occupy, live, organise ourselves, think, chase off contractors, surveyors, soil-sample drillers and other 'experts'. Two years to meet, make links, plot against the world, and see the military and helicopters pass.  Today, many of the occupied areas have been convened to appear in court in preparation of a massive eviction. If we are here, its to not leave this place free for them to destroy, control, and concrete over. To make them understand that they are not on conquered land. Whereas the evictions which are being prepared will be a martyrdom or 'victory' for them, for us it will be a fiesta: a fiesta because we know that they won't chase us away with a bulldozer; that they can destroy our houses, burn our cabins, we will stay. We will stay and this struggle will continue. About the trial.... the 11th august, many areas have been convened to appear in court in Nantes. We hope to get a delay. The 17th august, the other occupied areas will be judge in the court of Saint Nazaire. We are calling for a mass gathering / demo in front of the court house of Saint Nazaire from 8am the 17th august. Also, from the 16th to 19th august, we invite everyone to the squat 'les planchettes' (directions given later in text) to meet, discuss and organise. And then we will be evictable.... as soon as we know the date given by the judge, we call everyone to come on mass to support the evictable areas. From the 17th, keep an eye on our website zad.nadir.org (mostly in french, we will try to keep news updated in english also, otherwise use internet translator, sorry...) to know the coming dates. we will need as many humans, energy, material, good ideas etc. as possible to defend the area and resist the evictions. we are already organising to welcome as many people, and to create a strategy where all kinds of defence tactics can find their place. And from now.... from now, if you are available and motivated, you can come and have a look at the area, imagine and brainstorm with your group what is possible to do, to help us skip/find as much material as possible, and to stay as long as you like. As there is a lot to think about, to discuss and organise, we will not always be as available as we'd like, but everybody is welcome, and for info there will be someone everyday to do a 'welcome/info', at the planchettes, from 12 - 14:00. For all those who'd like to come see the area and what’s going on, for all those who have already been here and are linked with this struggle, its now or never. we need you. faced with those who would destroy spaces of living and organising; faced with builders of airport and other such bollocks: organise the resistance!! directions to squat 'les planchettes': hitch-hiking from Nantes: from the city centre, take the tram line 2 to the last stop, which is called Orvault Grand Val. From the tram stop, walk straight on down the hill, under the highway bridge, and you can start hitch-hiking at the roundabout directly in front of you. the first village you want is 'Orvault Bourg', from there take the road towards 'La Paquelais', once in La Paquelais, at the north end of the village you will pass through a roundabout, go straight ahead, after about 300metres is a fork in the road, take the road on your left going towards 'Fay de Bretagne' (D281). After about 3-4km, you will see a very obviously squatted old house on your right....for road directions, you can search 'les planchettes, notre dame des landes, france' on google maps. The D281 runs between the villages La Paquelais and Fay de Bretagne.... We are looking for all kinds of material to barricade and to hold out in case of long evictions.... here is a list of things which can be brought to 'les planchettes', between the 16th to 19th of August or any time before (and after, if we are still there, keep an eye on Nantes Indymedia or zad.nadir.org, we'll try to keep updated in english too, otherwise in french): *scaffolding *concrete reinforcing steel (re-bar) * solid metals * steel cables * beams * barbed wire * metal plates * nets * metal grills / fencing * metal cutters / pliers * all kinds of rope *banner material * fire extinguishers * large mirrors * mattresses * all kinds of saws and blades * hammers * nails of all sizes * gas masks * diving goggles * helmets * malox, bio-lemons or lemon juice * physiological salt solution * pallets * screws and nuts (any size) * welding materials (rods, helmets…) * megaphones * glue * paint * blankets * sleeping bags * bicycles (whole or parts) * vehicles which are not useful any more * caravans * pickaxes * monsters * wood plates * crowbars * walkie talkies, cb, radios * conserves, jam, eviction stash food..... E-Mail: zad@riseup.net Website: http://zad.nadir.org |