Live Photo: Google Inc. Caught Censoring EU Search Results Julenka Moisevich - 04.09.2011 19:44
Published this week is a real-time live photo of monopoly dominant search engine Google Inc, erasing and exterminating 19 links to web pages from the top of Google search results in the European Union, in acts of political censorship to serve the United States government, in US-sponsored 'infowar' against European companies and citizens.  Photo Google Inc. internet censorship live (Creative Commons licence) Fascinating here to see Google's internet robots actually admitting and giving proof of the crime of massive political censorship against Europeans, EU companies and EU governments. The photo is part of extensive evidence of abuse of monopoly power by Google Inc, censoring search results to deceive EU officials and causing perhaps billions of euros and damage to European banks and businesses, because Google Inc is hiding journalism that would provide valuable information to EU citizens and companies if they were not blocked from finding this journalism via Google. EU Commission authorities, led by Joaquín Almunia, European Commissioner for Competition, are expected to take strong action against Google, including an imposition of perhaps 2 billion euros in fines and penalties, for these anti-competition offences against eJustice, 1plusV, Ciao! and against Brussels writer and journalist Dr Les (Leszek - Leslie) Sachs, whose websites and journalism are almost entirely blocked from Google search results, in revenge for his being such a significant critic of the US regime, the US bribed judges and the US crooked courts. Sachs has altered US history, keeping a corrupt judge from becoming Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, and was one of the world's leading journalists on US court and judicial corruption before Google agreed to start attacking him and erase his writings. Sachs has lived in the Netherlands and Belgium since escaping death threats in the United States, where his journalist and activist companions have been murdered. The House of the King of the Belgians Albert II, has had a brave role in preventing Sachs' assassination in Europe. A recent detailed EU Report on these offences by Google Inc. is found here: Or for those who prefer original in pdf format: It is a web search for the journalism of Dr Sachs that is the specific documented censorship and suppression in the EU, seen in this live photo capture of a Google search in the English language, with the Google computers counting and posting notices of the number of web site pages they are suppressing. Very significantly, Google not only blocks search results about this journalist and links to his writings, Google artificially pushes numerous websites of lies and hoaxes to the top of the search, spreading deceptions and defamations about Sachs. At the top of the Google 'search results' after Google manipulation to attack Sachs, is a four-year-old blog full of ranting lies and hoaxes about Sachs, seemingly written by a friend of the George Bush family, who is named and charged in police and court papers with threatening to murder Sachs. In second place is a completely deceptive Wikipedia article spreading more lies and hoaxes about Dr Leslie Sachs, repeating lies about United States court records, lies that were debunked and exposed years ago but apparently still published with Jimmy Wales' personal approval, as part of the US war to destroy Sachs. Criminal charge complaints have been registered in Belgium against Jimmy Wales and Wikipedia, for continued repeating of these libels and falsehoods about Sachs: It is quite astonishing how Wikipedia continues to spread the most blatant of hoaxes telling lies about court documents toward this US dissident Sachs, a non-Zionist Polish Jew. For example, Wikipedia speaks of a 'book sticker making plagiarism accusations', when the actual courthouse copy of the sticker is online, showing the sticker refers only of neo-Nazi-style threats of book-burning against a Jew, and not anything even vaguely associated with Wikipedia's lies designed to make the menaced journalist Sachs seem trivial. The debunking of Wikipedia's lies about the 'plagiarism accusation sticker', and links to bona fide images of the relevant court documents, can be found here: Dressing up its lies, Wikipedia cites several 'sources' which, as documented by EU civil society group Non-Zionist Jews Defence, are all hoax 'sources' tracing back to the people attacking Dr Les Sachs, the people spreading lies and libels about him, and even speaking about murdering him on official court transcript records. In several cases the authors of these Wikipedia sources do not deny taking bribes from the people attacking Sachs. In some cases the 'sources' took their lies from Wikipedia itself, and now Wikipedia is using these 'sources' to perpetuate the lies in a non-stop loop of defamation. Formal filings with the EU Commission are expected within a few weeks, after several more reports by Non-Zionist Jews Defence, documenting in full detail the offences of Google, and the hoaxes and lies which Google Inc. is manipulating to the top of search results to destroy a dissident journalist. Also upcoming are filings in the Belgian courts against Google Inc., Wikipedia, and other parties, for their several years of attacks against Sachs. Involved are charges of criminal libels, the threats to kill him and the denial of his human rights. Justice for Dr Les Sachs is being pressed by Brussels human rights lawyer Georges-Henri Beauthier. Further background regarding this censored and attacked Polish Jewish-heritage journalist Dr Leszek Sachs - with actual information, and not lies and hoaxes as spread by Jimmy Wales and Wikipedia - can be found as follows: About Dr Les Sachs - Leslie Sachs; Biography - Press Articles - Journalism - Photos about the historic political refugee from the United States in Brussels, Belgium Two EU Writers Under Threat of Murder: Roberto Saviano and Dr Les Sachs US Justice Sources: US 'Trials' of Political Refugee in Europe Were Both Fraudulent Google Agrees to Assist CIA, Blocking Belgian Journalism Websites to Help Murder US Dissident, non-Zionist Jew, in Brussels What follows below is part of the text published with the photo of Google censorship, repeated here by Creative Commons Licence. What is added below that is not in the original text, are the links to references in the text, noted in brackets. Original photo and text here below, re-published under Creative Commons Licence, attribution: Historic.Brussels: Google Internet Censorship - Censure d'Internet par Google - Internet censuur door Google Photo of Google internet political censorship live in a screen shot. Here for the world to see, is this photo capture of real-time political censorship of the European internet by Google Inc., as Google intentionally suppresses search results of political articles and journalism in late August 2011. You see here an actual photo of Google in action, under direct orders of Google Europe German boss Philipp Schindler, 'just following orders' of Google top officials Eric Schmidt and Google founder Larry Page ... As Google censors search to deceive European Union authorities in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg, the EU Commission, the EU Parliament, the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights, the governments of Belgium and all other European countries, and 500 million European citizens ... nearly all of whom do not realise they are victims of Google Inc censoring and blocking websites, with Google erasing the truth in the 'Google gas chambers'. [Link re 'Google gas chambers' against the EU:] You see here the actual photo image of censorship, with Google computers spinning furiously, and blocking no less than 19 - nineteen! - search results from page one of an internet search on a topic, with small notes at the bottom of the search page in English, notes that most people never see or read, indicating that the 19 sites have been censored. At the same time that Google censors 19 results on page 1 of a politically-related search, as shown here, Google artificially pumps up to the top of the search rankings, several articles that tell lies and spread hoaxes about the object of the search (typically including Google's old CIA partner, the equally CIA-backed Wikipedia ('wiki' is short for 'wicked people can dominate this'), while Google bans and blocks articles that tell the truth about the topic in question. [Link re CIA and Wikipedia:] Why does Google Inc. censor search results so as to mislead and deceive the officials of the European Union, and European companies and businesses? Of course, in order to please American political figures, the CIA and the American government. For those who might desire the deep background of Google Inc as an internet censorship company erasing the truth from world readers, a good place to start would be the article by Paul Joseph Watson on Alex Jones' Prison Planet site, 'Ex-Agent: CIA Seed Money Helped Launch Google', 6 December 2006, interviewing retired intelligence agent Robert David Steele, and speaking of the CIA's Dr Rick Steinheiser and his connections with Google. [Link re CIA helping start Google:] In the Google political censorship above, what is being censored is the journalism on all the websites of the man who used to be the perhaps leading journalist on US court corruption, before Google moved to 'erase' him and the truth about what America did to him. Google is blocking websites with articles such as 'America's Corrupt Legal System - Danger to Travellers and Visitors', 'Foreign Companies Face US Court Corruption: Doing Business in the Big Bribery Nation', 'Americans Murdering Their Judges', 'The CIA and Wikipedia' ... articles authored by a populist dissident journalist who barely escaped out of the US alive, your host here, Dr Leslie Sachs (Les, Leszek Sachs). [Link to articles above, censored from Google search:] Many people are under an illusion that Google supports 'internet freedom', and Google executives no doubt enjoy a royally good laugh over this. The 'internet freedom' or 'net neutrality' story is just a smirking game Google plays to benefit the USA, to help the US criticise China or others. [Link re China and Google's hypocrisy on internet censorship and internet freedom:] Google only supports 'internet freedom' against countries and people that are targeted by America. In reality, Google is the most powerful weapon ever, to erase the truth, erase history, and erase the past from human memory, and this image here pictures Google doing it. Google fully supports censorship by the US against Europe, against EU governments, EU businesses, EU journalists, and EU people ... and Google Inc has the perfect way to hide the censorship, because most of Europe is using Google for search! You will notice in this live photo capture of Google censorship at work, that there is a link given to '' to provide more information: « In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed xx result(s) from this page. If youwish, you may read more about the request at » But, very often, the '' link turns out to be blank, with no information about the censorship. Google speaks of receiving 'Legal Requests' to censor and block websites from search results, motivating Google to block political journalism and to help publish and spread lies about topics, when America wishes to spread those lies. These 'legal requests' sufficient for Google to block political journalism, are of course from the country Google is trying to please, the USA, for which Google fully supports the banning of freedom and censorship, whenever rubber-stamped by any federal (national) United States judge, however drunk or criminal. Google cares zero about how such a 'legal request' is obtained, and Google is perfectly fine with 'requests' from US judges who have a reputation for bribery and corruption, who are followers of Adolf Hitler, or who are drunks getting bags of bribery cash from friends of US Senators or other US political leaders. Google fully supports 'legal requests' by American judges against citizens of Europe, who are threatened with jail or murder if they show up in America to speak up for themselves. Google accepts 'legal requests' as a result of extortion, perjury, court fraud, even genocidal threats to kill people ... any crime is OK to start Google Inc censoring the internet in Europe, so long as it is signed by some judge in the USA, any gangster with a US judge rubber-stamper will do. The US is the one country in the world to whom Google gives this censorship privilege without complaint, and Google manages it so carefully that most people don't even know it happens. In non-English languages, when Google has the censorship machine running, often there is no note at all at the bottom of the page about Google censorship, Google simply completes its political censorship and erasure of websites, altogether invisibly, and the readers do not realise they are being managed by a close partner of the CIA. It should be noted as well, that US judges are able to give Google orders that are 'secret', with Google itself ordered to keep quiet about having received a censorship order. US judges may order Google just to lower a website's search ranking, instead of erasing it completely, and such a secret order by American judges, targeting European companies or journalists, might never ever be disclosed ... after all, like Google's central Europe boss, the German Philipp Schindler will tell you, he is "just following orders" ... where have we heard that before? [Link re Google executive Philipp Schindler censoring web to deceive EU officials:] Report to the EU Parliament and the Commission of the European Union; Crimes to Erase EU Journalism, to Slander and Murder EU - Polish Citizen, Writer, Journalist, & Non-Zionist Jew, Dr Les Sachs - Dr Leszek Sachs - Dr Leslie Raymond Sachs E-Mail: |