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Solidarity Action for a comrade detained in Norway - !Acción resistencia activa - 05.09.2011 14:39
Andre is a Norwegian comrade, our loyal and good friend who had the misfortune to experience psychological repression. Andre moved to Tromsø (north of Norway) in August 2010. Since then, he has been almost totally socially isolated.  Andre is a Norwegian comrade, our loyal and good friend who had the misfortune to experience psychological repression. Andre moved to Tromsø (north of Norway) in August 2010. Since then, he has been almost totally socially isolated. Andre has a long history of bad treatment and social exclusion. These issues go back to his childhood days where he experienced sexual abuse which was not considered execrable by his surrounding environment. Andre visited UNN asking for some very mild medical treatment, mostly relaxing therapy, resting and sleep. The reasons: he received some threats from numerous individuals or group of individuals, which resulted to a psychological collapse. However, the hospital stuff pushed him into forced medication and locked him in the hospital against his will while Andre’s case looks much simpler. It’s been almost three weeks since the Andre started to feel seriously concerned about his life. He constantly believes that some hospital stuff act inappropriately against him; calling him names or throwing insults. He feels terrorized. He has tried to sort out the case by speaking to a lawyer but there were no positive results. His lawyer seems to be reluctant to help him while Andre's situation is worsening day by day. We demand: 1) The hospital stuff to listen what Andre really wants and respect his rights and stop any possible abuse 2) Andre to have access to legal help and advice 3) To complete his treatment based only on what he needs and be released immediately after that In solidarity with Andre ----------------------------------------------- Contact and information where Andre is being held captive :
http://www.tromso.kommune.no/tromsac-overformynderi.4545485-121669.html more important you can contact the department of health in Oslo, the big bosses, and hold them accountable..
http://www.regjeringen.no/nb/dep/hod/dep/kontakt/kontakt-helse--og-omsorgsdepartementet.html?id=434840 Spread this event everywhere ! Especially to Organizations, news.. wherever you feel like.. -Email the hospital : post@unn.no , siren.hoven@unn.no New "doctor" responsible is HERMAN TVETE his contact info is Office phone 0047 776 27 956 - herman.tvete@unn.no Tromsø,norway ----------------------------------- SIGN PETITION PLEASE AND SPREAD IT Andre Dahl Jensen, a political activist from Norway is currently being held within a psychiatric ward (UNN Tromso) in Tromso (Norway), on the belief that he suffers delusions, which the doctors have said only to occur when he is in Norway (the idea of regional psychosis being absurd), and on the belief that his political views are caused by mental illness. Many can vouch for his mental stability. The people in his life know for a FACT that he is indeed a stable man who is currently being held imprisoned for very little reason. Since entering the hospital he has been told on numerous occasions by white supremacists that are being kept there that "They will get him" and other threats. The staff there are also described as malicious and cruel. Andre himself is trying to leave for the United Kingdom, where he will be housed with friends, while looking for work.
http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/the-release-of-a-political-prisoner-and-activist.html#sign Website: http://penleygloballaw.com/ |
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