Yes Men at Valreep(video) and in Radio Awakening(about) Spirit Of Squatters Collective TV - 09.09.2011 12:24
links and info  Spirit Of Squatters Collective TV  Awakening show poster to spread Here You can see the video interview: and here You could listen radio show Awakening where is a story of Yes Men as good example from the chapter "How to prank the system?" from the book "DIY.How to change the world ?"Beside of that in the show:Valreep Open Day,Tantra,Climate Action Camp etc. The Yes Men are a culture jamming activist duo and network of supporters created by Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno.[1] Through actions of tactical media, The Yes Men primarily aim to raise awareness about what they consider problematic social issues. To date, the duo has produced two films: The Yes Men (2003) and The Yes Men Fix the World (2009).[1] In these films, they impersonate entities that they dislike, a practice that they call "identity correction". The Yes Men operate under the mission statement of telling the truth and exposing lies. They create and maintain fake websites similar to ones they intend to spoof, which have led to numerous interview, conference, and TV talk show invitations. They espouse the belief that corporations and governmental organizations often act in dehumanizing ways toward the public. Elaborate props are sometimes part of the ruse (e.g. Survivaball), as shown in their 2003 DVD release The Yes Men. The Yes Men have collaborated with other groups of similar interest, including Improv Everywhere and Steve Lambert.[2] Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action (like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!! Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us ! ... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!! Spirit Of Squatters Collective is always trying to report and support good things what are happening around us. We trying dayly show You some news. Our goal is to do it daily but 1st we can not be everywhere and 2nd We don't have enough time mainly to edit ( there are many projects waiting for their time...) That's why we waiting for You to help us support good things with our video channel and with creating independent media. and that's few words from our pages: With our activities we want to make this world a better place.Reclaim the media with us.Feel free to use our videos.Now all up to you !!!Real life is beginning when you turn off the tv, computer. See you on the streets in actions !!! WATCH! READ! THINK! REALIZE! TALK! COMMUNICATE! LISTEN! DEFEND! DESTROY! CREATE! CHANGE! GET INSPIRED! UNITE! RECLAIM MEDIA WITH US! JOIN US! FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS! LOVE !!! SQUAT! radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below) Awakening i Polonia Aktywna Awakening and Polonia Aktywna Awakening it's a program on radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three hours, mainly about politics,squatting,activism, ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural life in Amsterdam.First we start with the agenda for the squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We are playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to: if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to: to download the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm To all positive organizations & To whom it may concern, If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome. Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype Pass this information further. Let the media to be free. E-Mail: mgriks(at) Website: |