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Call for a Transnational Meeting in Tunisia NN - 11.09.2011 18:20
This is a call for a transnational meeting in Tunisia from 29th of September till the 2nd of October, with the aim of creating a transnational network of struggles. Workshops will deal with a wide variety of subjects, including: - The free circulation of people - The political economy of precarity, debt and unemployment - New forms of organization and collective intelligence We will represent All Included and XminusY and are interested in hearing from other Dutch groups that are planning to go there. If you're interested contact us at: TunisR02@xs4all.nl Program of the conference in Tunis - We, students, precarious workers, unemployed, and activists of Europe and North Africa met in Tunis to share our knowledge and begin a process of common struggles. The struggles that have swept across North Africa over the last few months spoke to the entire globe because the absence of a future for the new generations was at the center of these conflicts. The front lines in these struggles were held by the new generation who is always the first to fight and the last to be listened to. In the context of the global economic crisis, there are many parallels in the reasons why we are fighting in Europe and why Ben Ali and Moubarak were toppled. These struggles are demanding a radical change of a system based on generalized exploitation by parasitic governments of elites over the needs of the many. We are revolting against the misery of the present and to build new social relationships that are produced by processes of liberation and the reappropriation of our collective wealth. These struggles create common spaces that power constantly tries to fragment and repress. This is why we are calling for a transnational Meeting of activists to share our struggles and to construct common strategies and campaigns. We don’t want to have a “media” event, but to construct a transnational network able to face these times of struggle and great social transformation. We would like this Meeting to be a laboratory of reflection and common work around the following fundamental questions: migration and the free circulation of people and knowledges, precariousness, the question of debt and social services, free and accessible education for all, the construction of autonomous media and networks, the reappropriation of urban spaces, the mechanisms and the forms of social mobilization and the experimentation of new forms of organization and collective intelligence. We propose a 4-day Meeting in Tunisia in September 2011, and invite all collectives, groups, individuals and activists who adhere to this call and who wish to construct a transnational network of struggle. Front de Libération populaire de la Tunisie Knowledge Liberation Front Network Welcome to Europe and other activists of NoBorder Soliplenumk Revolte (Gottingen) E-Mail: TunisR02@xs4all.nl Website: http://international.r02.org/ |
Lees meer over: europa globalisering media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | |