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Protest Reclaim the Fields tegen Roemeense goudmijn Reclaim the Fields - 25.09.2011 17:02
Op het moment vindt bij het Roemeneense Rosia Montana een actiekamp van Reclaim the Fields plaats. Op zaterdag 24 september was er een demonstratie tegen de goudmijn. Deze mijn zorgt voor veel vervuiling en maakt het lastig voor mensen in de regio om hun eigen voedsel te blijven produceren en om gezond te blijven leven.  International Reclaim the Fields camp joins Rosia Montana against the new Romanian expropriation law Today, 24 September at 15:00 o'clock, the international participants of the Reclaim the Fields camp [1], together with the local association Alburnus Maior [2], from Rosia Montana, Romania, held a lively street demonstration in the village's Old Square. Local and international people are opposing plans to open Europe's largest open cast gold mine and a proposed new law on expropriation currently being discussed in the Romanian parliament. The law would enable private mining companies, instead of the Romanian state and judicial system, to carry out forced expropriation of residents, in a clear violation of human rights. The samba band headed a procession of several hundred people through the village, followed by live music, a seed exchange and speeches outlining experiences from similar struggles all over the world. The gold mine proposed by the Rosia Montana Gold Corporation [3] would destroy the village of Rosia Montana and introduce controversial cyanide leaching technology, threatening rivers in Romania and beyond in case of an accident. Local opposition to the gold mining project emerged almost immediately in the year 2000 when the project was announced by Canadian company Gabriel Resources. Resistance to the plan has since spread across Romania. Over 10 years of resistance, Alburnus Maior, through the Rosia Montana Campaign has successfully mobilized thousands of people and has so far kept the project from being carried out. "It was a touching day for me and Rosia Montana community because from 22 countries came to support us and together we created an unique event in Romania. We are an international family from Croatia to Canada and from Singapore to Brazil and together we are fighting to stop destruction and capitalism. Today in Rosia Montana people with similar stories shared their strength. We are stronger now and we will win", declared Eugen David, the president of Alburnus Maior. The participants of the Reclaim The Fields camp are strongly committed to support the local struggle of Rosia Montana's inhabitants and promise to undertake further actions in the near future. NOTES [1] The Reclaim the Fields movement (www.reclaimthefields.org ) brings together food growers and farmers around Europe that are connecting local practical action with global political struggles. Reclaim the Fields stands against corporate interests that abuse local communities, cultural values and the environment. Between 21-30 of September, 2011, several hundred activists from all over Europe and Romania are participating in an unprecedented solidarity camp in Rosia Montana – Romania. The event is organized by Reclaim the Fields together with the Alburnus Maior Association (www.rosiamontana.org ), with strong support from the Romanian peasant association Eco Ruralis (www.ecoruralis.ro ) and numerous organizations and individuals from across geographical Europe. [2] Alburnus Maior association represents the local opposition from Rosia Montana againstthe largest gold mine proposal in Europe which entails the destruction of Rosia Montana and a large area of the Apuseni Mountains in Romania. www.rosiamontana.org [3] Rosia Montana Gold Corporation is 19.31 percent owned by the Romanian state with the remaining shareholders including Gabriel Resources, Newmont and Barrick Gold. Meer foto's zijn te vinden op de website Indymedia website Linksunten: http://linksunten.indymedia.org/node/47503 Website: http://rosiamontana.org/en/ |
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