Massa-arrestatie op Brooklyn Bridge (NYC) DGL - 01.10.2011 23:18
Na het politiegeweld van afgelopen weekend bij Occupy Walstreet ( Is er nu opnieuw een massa-arrestatie gaande van demonstranten in New York. Livestream: Brooklyn Bridge Occupied Posted Oct. 1, 2011, 4:56 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt Police have kettled the march on the Brooklyn Bridge and have begun arresting protesters. At least 20 arrested so far. Follow the action UPDATE: 5:15PM - Brooklyn Bridge has been shut down by police Please call: 1st Precinct: +1 (212) 334-0611 NYPD Switchboard: +1 (646) 610-5000 NYPD Central Booking: +1 (212) 374-3921 NYPD Internal Affairs: +1 (212) 741-8401 Mayor Bloomberg: +1 (212) NEW-YORK or +1 (212) 374-3921 0 Comments "We are the 99%" Solidarity March with #OccupyWallStreet at 3 PM Posted Oct. 1, 2011, 9:09 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt We the 99% will not be silent and we will not be intimidated. This Saturday thousands more of us will march together as one to show that it is time that the 99% are heard. Join us on the 2nd week anniversary of your new movement. This is a call for individuals, families and community and advocacy groups to march in solidarity with the #occupywallstreet movement on Saturday, October 1st at 3 p.m. We are unions, students, teachers, veterans, first responders, families, the unemployed and underemployed. We are all races, sexes and creeds. We are the majority. We are the 99 percent. And we will no longer be silent. As members of the 99 percent, we occupy Wall Street as a symbolic gesture of our discontent with the current economic and political climate and as an example of a better world to come. Therefore we invite the public, our fellow 99 percent, to join us in a march on SATURDAY AT THREE, starting from LIBERTY PLAZA (ZUCCOTTI PARK) at LIBERTY & BROADWAY. March will end with a gathering and some eating at Brooklyn Bridge Park 5:30 pm. Special Guests include Amiri Baraka and others! Food provided. |