15.10.11 Photos of demonstration in Berlin Inspector Casino - 15.10.2011 18:00
Here some photos of the 15.10.11 demonstration in Berlin, inpsired by the Occupy Berlin movement: http://hanskuiper.blogspot.com/2011/10/151011-photos-demonstration-in-berlin.html  "I prefer to regulate banks instead of passengers"    "Redistribution of world resources is the only way out of the crisis"  A big and peaceful demonstration near the Reichstag in Berlin to protest against the saving of banks, the corruption, the so called 'financial crisis', the occupation of Libya by Nato troops, the cuts on social and cultural budgets while the armies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libay etc. keep on being financed etc. etc. October 15th 2011 shows that people all over the world are protesting against current policies in the Western world and that there is a growing consciousness for a change on a global scale. In berlin around 5000 people protested near the Brandenburger Tor and marched towards the fields in front of the Reichstag. There, under a nice autumn sun, new forms of yelling slogans were tried, funny ways of demonstrating and just showing up to let the world know, it's time for a fundamental and intelligent change. When you follow the link you can see more photos on the demo and read more on the current art scene in Berlin. Website: http://hanskuiper.blogspot.com/2011/10/151011-photos-demonstration-in-berlin.html |