16 & 17.10.11 Occupy Berlin still goes on Inspector Casino - 17.10.2011 19:58
Here are photos and a reportage of the second day of the demonstrations in Berlin on the global financial & democracy crisis, the demo day of October 16th 2011, inspired by the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement.  Discussion meeting at the field in front of the Reichstag If October 15th 2011 showed that people all over the world are protesting against current policies in the Western world and that there is a growing consciousness for a change on a global scale, October 16th showes people in Berlin are determined to come day by day to the Reichstag field to protest. A big group people showed up to start discussing strategies and was gathering at the field in front of the Reichstag in Berlin to protest against the saving of banks, the corruption, the so called 'financial crisis', the occupation of Libya by Nato troops, the cuts on social and cultural budgets while the armies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya etc. keep on being financed etc. etc. It looks like a lesson in basic democracy. New ways of political discussions are tried on the field in front of the building, 'der Reichstag'. When to meet, what to do, how to involve. Website: http://hanskuiper.blogspot.com/2011/10/161011-photos-demonstration-in-berlin.html |