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uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | Tijdslijn en meer info | NN - 19.10.2011 19:00
http://dalefarm.wordpress.com/ voor geschiedenis van de juridische stappen kan ook op de geschiedenis van indy kijken, er hebben meedere updates op gestaan | .. | NN - 19.10.2011 19:00
-Witnesses report the use of tasers by police from the beginning of the eviction -Police forced entry onto the site by using sledgehammers to break down a wall of a fully legal plot on the edge of the site. This is not only in violation of court order and constitutes criminal damage, but it is also highly dangerous. Vulnerable and elderly residents had stayed on that plot expecting to be safe as it is protected through court decisions, and were highly traumatised as police sledgehammered through the wall. At least two women residents sustained head injuries. -Batons have been used on supporters and residents from the beginning of the eviction -Severe injuries of residents and protesters have been witnessed by human rights observers and the press. One woman sustained such serious injuries from police that she had to be admitted to hospital. - The plot of a resident who needs a breathing machine to survive has had it’s electricity cut. | |
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