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[Dale Farm] evection update stap op je fiets! - 20.10.2011 10:41
De 2e dag van de ontruiming van Dale Farm is begonnen. politie en 'bailiffs' (soort deurwaarders)gaan door met hun bezetting en ontzeggen bewoners de toegang van hun huis. De bewoners en activisten blijven verzet en ongehoorzaamheid tonen tegen de ontruiming, en de meeste hebben verklaard zo lang mogelijk op Dale Farm te blijven. Dale Farm is het grootste zigeunerkamp van Engeland. Nadat de vooral Ierse zigeuners werden verplicht een vast woonadres te hebben, hebben ze dit stuk land gekocht. Het is verdeeld in 2 stukken. Het voorste stuk (45 'plots') heeft vergunningen, Het achterste stuk (52 'plots') heeft na vele pogingen en aanvragen geen vergunning gekregen. Hiervoor was het een autodump. Volgens het 'Commission on Racial Equality' word 90% van alle vergunning aanvragen afkomstig van zigeuners afgewezen. in het algemeen worden 20% van alle vergunning aanvragen afgewezen. ---------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 20 october. As the second day of the eviction of Dale Farm begins, police and bailiffs continue to occupy Dale Farm and restrict many residents’ access to their homes as part of the ongoing operation to evict the Dale Farm community. Dale Farm residents and supporters remain defiant in the face of police and bailiff presence, and residents have declared that most of them will remain at Dale Farm for as long as possible. Supporters have agreed to stay for as long as the community is resisting. There is a large police presence on half the site, focussed around the iconic tower, which remains standing. Police are removing the final supporters from lock-ons. The electricity to the site continues to be cut off, and helicopters have been circling over the site from early in the morning. Mary Sheridan, a resident, said “This isn’t an eviction, it’s a massacre. We’re only still here because we have nowhere else to go, and now we are under siege by the police.” Lily Hayes, a supporter, said: “The ball is, as ever, in Basildon Council’s court- they can still work with the residents to approve an appropriate alternative site for the families to move to. I can’t believe they have chosen to go through with this brutal and wasteful eviction, choosing to make families homeless rather than accepting one of the many solutions.” -------------------------------------------------------- Update gisteravond: Following a difficult and intense day defending Dale Farm yesterday from brutal police and bailiff action, supporters and residents remain on site- some still locked on around the front gate, and most preparing to continue resisting the eviction today. Many of the residents are frightened by the scenes of police violence yesterday, but are determined to stay for as long as possible- the brutality of homelessness on the roadside is the only alternative. The situation on site is that there is a large police presence on half the site, especially around the front tower (still standing!), where people in lock-ons are still being removed. However, half the site still has supporters and residents on it. The electricity on site has been cut off, but we have a few generators. It is impossible to say what will happen today, but support of any kind would be appreciated. If you are able to come down and help with legal observing, documenting the eviction, arrestee support or simply a supportive presence inside or outside the site that would be a great help. Call the site phone 07583621312 to find out about how to help or to get on site. Please bring bedding, warm clothes, high-energy food and torches, for yourself and to share. The trains appear to be running normally to Wickford and Basildon. We are here a lot longer that was initially expected, and if you come down to resist and support we can do it even longer. Even if we don’t manage to hold the site, it is still incredibly important that the Dale Farm community sees that they are supported by more and more people every day.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ltdr2_YSso de (poging tot) ontruiming dag 1:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by_qMMPLVdg&NR=1 |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | zigeuners?? | GEEN-IDee - 20.10.2011 10:49
"zigeunerkamp" "zigeuners"?????? Pardon??? | |
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