avond over sociale bewegingen in West-Afrika All Included - 28.10.2011 15:08
Op di. 15 nov. komen 3 activisten van migrantenorganisaties uit Mali in Amsterdam spreken over sociale bewegingen in West-Afrika. Aan bod komt het conflict in Libië en Ivoorkust - waar 100.000-en hun middelen van bestaan verloren en moesten terugkeren naar Mali- en de vooruitzichten van transnationale organisatie en de Malinese visie op de Arabische lente.  Op dinsdag 15 november vindt er in Amsterdam onder het motto 'the right to stay, the right to go' een bijeenkomst plaats over sociale bewegingen in West-Afrika. Sprekers zijn drie activisten uit Mali van het netwerk Afrique-Europe Interact: Rokia Diarra Karambé (Fédération des Associations de Migrants de Mali / feratie van Malinese migranten-verenigingen), Alassane Dicko (Association Malienne Expulsés / Malinese Vereniging van gedeporteerden) and Hamada Dicko (Association pour la Défense des Emigrés Maliens / vereniging voor de bescherming van Malinese emigranten). Zij zullen verslag uitbrengen van de situatie van (zelf-georganiseerde) gedeporteerden, transit-migranten en repatrianten, vooral met op de achtergrond het conflict in Libië en Ivoorkust, waar honderdduizenden migrerende werknemers hun middelen van bestaan verloren en moesten terugkeren naar Mali. Bovendien worden de vooruitzichten van transnationale organisatie nader onderzocht, waaronder de vraag hoe de Arabische lente werd gezien door de sociale bewegingen in Mali en andere landen in West-Afrika. De taal zal frans/nederlands (fluistervertaling in engels) zijn. Iedereen is welkom. Toegang gratis. Datum: di. 15 november deur open: 19.45u Aanvang: 20u Locatie: Da Costakade 102, 1053 WP Amsterdam (De Nieuwe Liefde) organisatie: All Included (http:/www.allincluded.nl/, info@allincluded.nl), lid van Afrique-Europe Interact ( http://www.afrique-europe-interact.net/) (engelse vertaling) The right to stay, the right to go: Social struggles in West Africa debate with three Malian activists from Africa-Europe Interact The longtime dictator General Traoré was already toppled in 1991 mainly by school students and university students in Mali. Since then democratic rights have been more or less guaranteed in Mali, but the West African country is still one of the poorest countries in the world, or rather is made to be one of the poorest countries in the world. The causes are, besides corrupt elites, the agricultural policies of the U.S. and the EU, as well as the imposed structural adjustment programs by the IMF, World Bank & Co. Additionally, the massive sellout of fertile farmland to the globally operating investment funds ("land grabbing") and the already dramatic effects of climate change are important in recent times. In this sense, migration mainly within West Africa, but also towards North Africa or Europe is for many people one of the most important survival prospects. The EU responded to this not only with systematic deprivation of rights and mass deportations, but African countries like Mali are increasingly important in European migration policy in the course of the outsourcing of the EU border regime. The speakers of our event are members of the African wing of Afrique-Europe Interact - a transnational network, which organized the three-week caravan "Movement for freedom and equitable development" from the Malian capital, Bamako, to the 11th World Social Forum in Dakar, Senegal in early 2011. They will talk about the social fights in Mali and other countries in West Africa. They will report about the situation of (self-organized) deportees, transit migrants and returnees, especially on the background of the conflict in Libya and the Ivory Coast, in which several hundred thousand migrant workers lost their livelihoods and had to return to Mali. Additionally, the prospects of transnational organization are more closely examined, including the question of how the Arab spring was seen by the social movements in Mali and other countries in West Africa. With: Rokia Diarra Karambé (Federation of Associations of migrants from Mali - FAM/Fédération des Associations de Migrants de Mali), Alassane Dicko (Association of Malian deportees - Association Malienne Expulsés) and Hamada Dicko (Association for the Defence of Malian migrants - Association pour la Défense des Emigrés Maliens). The round trip is organized by the Afrique-Europe Interact in cooperation with the Educational Institute Berlin of the Heinrich Boell Foundation and the Rosa-Luxembourg initiative. For more information : http://www.afrique-europe-interact.net/?article_id=113&clang=1 E-Mail: info@allincluded.nl Website: http://www.allincluded.nl |