Wanneer: 01/12/2014 - 13:35
The State takes revenge, Justice is blind and Society remains impassive.
A young man who saw his friend dying on his hands six years ago, after being executed by police, is now determined to die in order to defend his basic rights and dignity. In the year 2014 he will become a martyr because he wants to study while incarcerated, to become a martyr because the government has turned into an authoritarian and brutal regime.
The State takes revenge, Justice is blind and Society remains impassive.
A young man who saw his friend dying on his hands six years ago, after being executed by police, is now determined to die in order to defend his basic rights and dignity. In the year 2014 he will become a martyr because he wants to study while incarcerated, to become a martyr because the government has turned into an authoritarian and brutal regime. Even if you disagree with his political beliefs and practices, you can not but respect his basic rights as human and a prisoner, otherwise you scatter winds and will reap storms. The life of a young man is hanging by a thread, the shame is on you. Iliosporoi 29/11/14 #NRomanos
sign at https://secure.avaaz.org/el/petition/Symvoylio_Fylakon_Korydalloy_Amesi_...
At the 11/10/2014 Nikos Romanos begun a hunger strike laying claim to educational passes from prison, in order to be able to take classes in the university that he has succeeded to enroll.
His application to the Prison Council - that is formed by attorney general Nikolaos Poimenidis, headmistress Charalambia Koutsomichali as well as the caseworker - still remain unanswered, while the appealing interrogator Eftichis Nikolopoulos, who has been claiming up to today not to be tasked with this matter, has sent a document to the Council, reporting that the application for administration of educational passes from prison has been denied.
Iraklis Kwstaris that has begun a hunger strike on the 29th of October for being given his educational passes from prison to take classes at his university TEI of Piraeus, is recieving the same denying documents from the Council.
We that sign this petition, utterly support the striving of the hunger strikers and denounce the infringement of their legal rights. We predicate our solidarity and we demand all the educational passes from prison to be given to Nikos Romanos and Ilias Kwstaris immediately.
We call the Prison Council responsible for every day of hunger strike and for whatever happens from now on.
More at http://en.contrainfo.espiv.net/2014/11/29/athens-updates-on-anarchist-hu...
and check hashtag #NRomanos
Poster in solidariteit met Nikos Romanos en andere strijdende hongerstakers.