Wanneer: 01/01/2016 - 06:39
Ongeveer 100 mensen zijn/worden gearresteerd bij de jaarlijkse geluidsdemonstratie bij Schiphol.
40 mensen worden vastgehouden op een binnenplaats in het complex, terwijl de overige mensen vastzitten in bussen op de parkeerplaats.
Enkele mensen zijn vrijgekomen na indentificatie.
Later meer informatie
Around 100 people are being arrested during the yearly sound demo at Schiphol. 40 people are being detained within the complex, while the other people are still in buses outside. A few people are released after showing identification.
More information will follow
Arrestanten zitten nog steeds in de bussen, eerste bus met mensen die weigeren hun ID te laten zien zou net weg zijn om in verzekering gesteld te worden.
Bus 2 and 3 are taken to the marechaussee atation next to the schiphol prison around 10 o'clock. People from bus 2 had to go one by one to either identify or not.
Not nn people got set free and will arrive back to the mkz.
Nn people got tken to the foreign detention centre next door.
Bus 3 is still waiting. The marechaussee refuses us to go to the toilet and does not want to register people from bus 3, because there are sigarret butts on the ground...
Our passion for freedom is stronger than your prisons!!