Wanneer: 06/01/2018 - 16:46
According to the information of RMC this friday January the 5th, the government has already planned the deployment of more than 2.000 military personnel and cops to evacuate the zone of Notre-Dame-des-Landes. whether the airport will be built or not.
The government has not yet decided whether the airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes will be built or not. That decision will be taken by the end of January. But the forces needed to evacuate la ZAD are already planned, according to information of RMC.
“Up to 2.500 military personnel and cops” will be needed for the evacuation plan according to the website and this will go through not matter what the final decision about the airport, promises the Prime Minister.
According to a survey published by Le Figaro, the majority of France (56%) would support Gérard Collomb if he would use force during the eviction, while 43% wouldn' t support this.
But behind the screens there are still negotiations with the peasants and zadists to find an agreement where they are allowed to stay. There are around 250 people living there waiting for the conclusion of the government of Eduard Philippe. He began June the 5th an ultimate and wide round table debate to negotiate with the local elected officials concerned.
Source: http://www.rtl.fr/actu/societe-faits-divers/notre-dame-des-landes-le-gou...
Good luck with that macroni!
Uit december:
Lot van ZAD binnenkort bezegeld