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Wanneer: 28/04/2019 - 11:29
Demo Koningsdag XR Nederland
Rebellion Extinction: A Capitalist Scam To Hijack Our Resistance
Alexia:"Hé pa, ze hebben wel oranje aan."
another critique to extinction rebellion
there is also a video where they say they love the police in a protest in the UK.
Dissident Island over de tactieken van Extinction Rebellion (00:26:57 – 00:47:40)
Rebellion Extinction: A Capitalist Scam To Hijack Our Resistance
Alexia:"Hé pa, ze hebben wel oranje aan."
another critique to extinction rebellion
there is also a video where they say they love the police in a protest in the UK.
Dissident Island over de tactieken van Extinction Rebellion (00:26:57 – 00:47:40)