My political position about Bij1 (Revolutionary socialism is the opposite of evolutionary socialism)

Hier kun je discussieren over My political position about Bij1 (Revolutionary socialism is the opposite of evolutionary socialism).
In the 1970s, 1980s, and finally the 1990s, revolutionary socialist movements surrounded the West and the East, but the failure of these movements to abolish the regimes, led to the emergence of new generation of neoliberalism. With the defeat of the socialist revolutionary movements in overthrowing the regime, a large part of the social body who supported the social-revolutionary movement, frustrated with the status quo, decided to gradually destroy it by entering the system; This was a historic opportunity for neoliberalism to welcome this social body, to fire the last bullet at the revolutionary socialist movements. Regimes that saw themselves in a position of weakness allowed this social body to make reforms, so that the part of the working class that still hoped for revolutionary social movements, to get closer the system, which is social democracy. At this historical juncture, which in my view was the late 1990s and early 21st century, I name the end of the proletarian movement in most European countries. In fact, the working class's disillusionment with revolutionary socialism, made neoliberalism a historic opportunity to become stronger. The regimes never sought fundamental change, but only needed to deceive and manipulate the working class, so that's why the system allowed the social body that had previously supported revolutionary socialism to enter the system. The system just wanted to make the real threat far, so the working class that had the revolutionary potential should be destroyed in this way, and instead of that, lead the working class to evolutionary socialism. The current situation is a materialist proof that by relying evolutionary socialism, the situation not only did not get better but also got worse and from other hand the revolutionary socialist movements disappeared, so there is no power self-defense anymore. History has shown well over the last 30 years that the attempt to inject evolutionary socialism into the system not only does not really improve the situation, but also more confuses the working class; and make the working class further and further away from its revolutionary mission of overthrowing the capitalist regime. I believe that the presence of evolutionary socialism in the system is much more dangerous than the presence of right wings in the system, because evolutionary socialism uses the deception of the working class to distance them from revolutionary socialism; and also since the state's solution was teached to the working class by evolutionary socialism, the working class will go more towards the right wings, when will see that the conditions did not change by evolutionary socialism.

Comrades, I hoped I could write this article in Persian, because my english is not good enough to be able to express my ideas more freely and better. Let me honestly say, that I still adhere to revolutionary socialism and believe that evolutionary socialism only distracts us from our goals. You may have heard my position on evolutionary socialism led by bij1, for those comrades who do not know my position, let me say it:
Bij1 is not the first or the only party that intends to introduce evolutionary socialism into the system, this trend has existed since the early 1900s, this trend has existed for more than one hundred and twenty years. Parties who entered the system in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s whose evolutionary socialism was a thousand times stronger and politically better than bij1, but nothing changed, and even the situation worsened. The system does not seek change, but only seeks to manipulate the working class with the presence of parties that believe in evolutionary socialism within itself, because evolutionary socialism gives the system a opportunity to turn revolutionary-socialist potential of working class into reformism. Comrades, our anarchist culture is a struggle to organize the working class to overthrow capitalism and state, not to participate in elections to vote for evolutionary socialism. Evolutionary socialism means insulting the blood and struggle of all the revolutionary comrades who entered the class war for revolutionary socialism against the system.

1919-1921, the black army of Ukraine and recently the revolution of Rojava, the history proof that the real change is happening in society, not from within the system, let's recall AZC Echt that how the immigrants organized themselves and stood up against COA and IND. They didn't rely on evolutionary socialism, but they struggled towards revolutionary socialism. We fight because we hope, let's not say that there is nothing in the Netherlands, so the only solution is evolutionary socialism. According to a revolutionary comrade, good days are ahead of us, these days will come only by revolutionary socialism, if we continue to rely on evolutionary socialism, the situation will always be the same. Evolutionary socialism and parties like bij1 that promote it are ultimately the puppets of the regime. Evolutionary socialism belongs to the system, it is legal only for this reason, and it faces the most severe repression in the face of revolutionary socialism, which is the real solution of the working class. As anarchists, we must not voluntarily help the regime in suppressing revolutionary socialism. Supporting evolutionary socialism is the greatest help to the system in suppressing revolutionary socialism. Supporting evolutionary socialism not only does not really improve the situation of the oppressed, but only legitimizes the regime's repression against social strugglers. It is not evolutionary socialism that liberates the working class, but it is the social strugglers who liberate the working class by relying on revolutionary socialism. Comrades, I have no personal enmity with any person in bij1, my enmity is with evolutionary socialism and those who promote it, because I know how history has shown that evolutionary socialism, by giving legitimacy to the regime, makes the most severe repressions against the revolutionary part of the working class. I am a soldier, and I am struggling to overthrow the state and capitalism. I have been imprisoned for this struggle, I have been tortured, even my body is broken under torture and I do not have an easy life, like many of my comrades who have a same situation as me; let me to be clear, the evolutionary socialism is social fascism, and these who seek for evolutionary socialism have no place in the revolution.

Abtin Parsa
20 may 2021

The photo was made by the local anarchist federation in so-called Iran and Afghanistan, I use it here because I found it helpful to express my ideas.

Well you're right.

Well you're right.

That's the results of

That's the results of evolutionary socialism, bij1 won't change anything but will create social fascism. Very good article!


They are friends of Islamic fascism.

Of course they are, social

Of course they are, social fascism of Bij1 supports Islamic fascism!

Free the middle east from

Free the middle east from Islam. Israel from the sea to the persian gulf

Israel is an apartheid state.

Israel is an apartheid state. If you support Israel, you are on the side of the oppressor. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

Comrades! The destruction of

Comrades! The destruction of anarcho-maoism is the last necessary step to become revolutionaries!

Comrade, what do you mean?

Comrade, what do you mean?

Voting for bij1 was an

Voting for bij1 was an unforgettable mistake of Dutch anarchists. Vive la revolutionary socialism.

I don't really now what to

I don't really now what to say to this anymore and cannot believe it comes up again. You have forgotten the material conditions as well as the political and ideological circumstances of the netherlands in your "analysis". "Comrade" this ainÄt Greece this ain't 1968. This is Netherlands 2021 wake up and stop antagonising the movements that are political when most of this country is a apolitical accumulation of bitterballen eating in eetcafe's sitting uniformity of unconcious neoliberals.

Good Morning you have to start from the bottom and don't pretent u are in the mindst of a revolution.

I think he already started

I think he already started from the bottom, actually very very bottom, you good morning. Never is late for a revolution.
Look at what he did in a refugees camp where non of you even have reached! You start from the bottom my friend,he know his job very well.

Look at what he did in a camp

Look at what he did in a camp without any anarchists or leftists, all were immigrants. Enough for me to believe in revolutionary socialism instead of evolutionary socialism of Bij1 :)

Fuck BIJ1, why even giving

Fuck BIJ1, why even giving them this attention as a alleged political enemy. This country is full of liberals and even the class will turn to them because they believe their lies. They don't want to face repercussions they don't want to face repression. Respect for him to throw him in front of all this state repression bullshit but what is achieved with this? why wasting your time on this?

I believe Abtin do not really

I believe Abtin do not really care about fukin bij1, he care about anarchists who don't know what is the truth. But agree with you, fuck bij1 and all Liberals. Abtin done many great things already, I mean he proof his words and acts are same and real. He is not playing, he is really serious on what he is doing.

Agree with this as an

Agree with this as an anarchist, and from your perspective very understandable. I think it's very important to keep talking about this.

From my perspective, voting for bij1 in the is only a mistake if it is something you rely on as a solution for the corrupt and repressive systems we deal with, just like the whole parlementary democratic system is not something you should rely on in any way. Voting for bij1 doesn't mean you can chill the fuck out and stop organizing, fighting and struggling in solidarity. People who do think they can chill the fuck out after voting a couple times in their lives are clearly not anarchists.

The only positive effect voting for bij1 could have is that the living conditions for some improve. Not the revolution we want, but tiny changes some people might need. I think I would feel bad to withhold these changes from the people who might benefit of a vote for bij1. For the dutch situation at this moment it could help some, without it being perfect.

I believe Abtin does not

I believe Abtin does not belong to here I do not say in a bad way I mean he is a revolutionary among all these left and anarchy libral here they don't understand him that's why

Write in history : Dutch

Write in history : Dutch anarchy and left were fucked libral and a revolutionary immigrant from Iran struggle to save their reputation in history. Really shame,hope history will forgive us

Fuck bij1. Voting was a big

Fuck bij1. Voting was a big mistake. We should try revolutionary socialism instead evolutionary socialism of Bij1.

Revolutionary socialism is a

Revolutionary socialism is a political philosophy, doctrine and tradition within socialism which stresses the idea that a social revolution is necessary in order to bring about structural changes to society. More specifically, it is the view that revolution is a necessary precondition for a transition from the capitalist mode of production to the socialist mode of production. Revolution is not necessarily defined as a violent insurrection; it is defined as seizure of political power by mass movements of the working class so that the state is directly controlled or abolished by the working class as opposed to the capitalist class and its interests.

Cool statement,why we never

Cool statement,why we never learn from history? How many evolutionary socialist parties like bij1 must come so we learn it doesn't work.


Something I found about

Something I found about evolutionary socialism,
These thoughts and arguments are very new to Netherlands, but really cool statement.

Hi Abtin, I've seen your

Hi Abtin, I've seen your clone (clown?) army has responded quite well! Now stop talking to yourself.
Of course you are right that Bij1 will not bring any real change, but 20 very similar reactions to your piece do not give your opinion more weight.

Maybe you need to show

Maybe you need to show yourself in some points and stop sending bullshit & lie here.

Oh come on, the phrasing in

Oh come on, the phrasing in most of the responses is identical, your writing style is quite distinct as well. So they're almost definitely written by the same person. Also, posts on indymedia never get so much attention in such a short time span, some responses posted on almost exactly the same time stamps. You're not fooling us, you are not bigger than you want people to think. I'm not saying ALL posts are by the same person, but for sure most of them.

All of comments,perhaps

All of comments,perhaps you're Abtin as well jejejejejejejejeje

Comment was hidden

Deze aanvulling voldeed niet aan de spelregels. usual verward troll.

what exactly is new here?

Hey Abtin,and other versions of you,

what you state here is nothing new, TL,DR it just is the old division between so called revolutionaries, and social democrats, going back to the first and second Internationale

What exactly is your point?

Tell us Dutch speaking anarchists and former anarchists that we forgot this history, or dont know about it? Sure, you have a point

And then what? You think because of your analysis Holland, Belgium, F'it,the whole worldwide last survving left wing so called comrades are goig to think and act diferently?

I denounce your analyse as old, no longer relevant, and totally out of touch with reality in 2021

There, I said it.

I agree. Abtin, have you

I agree. Abtin, have you actually read the BIJ1 program? ( also in english). Maybe read it first and then tell give us a detailed analysis. Maybe try to understand why BIJ1 managed to entice at least some kind of hope in tens of thousands of people, and see what anarchism could learn from that? Have you considered that some peoples lives today, might not fit in the tired old 20th century theories? That people like those behind BIJ1, might have actually come up with something new?

"anarchists" be like

We need to organise!

We don't have our own political party or other association
We don't vote
We don't join existing parties

and then we whine about parties not being leftist/anarchist enough and socialdemocracy failing...

@za, 22/05/2021 - 14:26 — nn "anarchists" be like

ik snap je reactie, maar vind hem weinig diepgaand:

eerst en vooral, als je je als anarchist nu in 2021 in NL of BE wilt organiseren, een associatie zoekt, hell, ga onmiddelijk naar ,of neem contact op met de vele andere lokale anarchistische initiatieven.

Ze zijn er, van buurtwerk tot Abtin, het is aan jou-ons daar iets mee te doen

En nee, de overgrote meerderheid van anarchisten stemmen niet, of worden lid van politieke partijen, hoewel sommigen soms vanuit strategische motieven dat toch doen.

En wat betreft je laatste commentaar, over het klagen over politieke partijen en sociaal democratie, overweeg eens het volgende:

-8 uren werkdag
-5daagse werkweek
-recht van de vrouw op eigen lichaam (pil, abortie, ongehuwd zijn, stemrecht, recht op bezit en erfenis)
-het recht van de werkende klasse op organisatie
-vrije meningsuiting

Allemaal punten die door de anarchistische beweging op de agenda gezet zijn, EN DIE DOOR SOCIAAL DEMOCRATISCHE PARTIJEN VIA HET PARLEMENT GEREALISEERD ZIJN

Zijn die partijen daardoor OK?

Nee, maar, zoals Lenin ooit al zei, soms heb je hulp nodig van NUTTIGE IDIOTEN.... Of, "de kapitalisten verkopen ons het touw waarmee wij hen zullen opknopen".

Ondertussen duwen anarchisten nog steeds nieuwe punten op de agenda:

Ecocide, migratie, anders-gender zijn, homo, trans etc rechten....

Ik zelf heb daar nog geenmet de meerderheid der anarchisten overeenstemmende mening over, maar dat is niet erg, de discussie samen zal ons verder brengen

Zoals gezegd, diepgaander denken, ook jij , Abtin....

Last Saturday in rotterdam,

Last Saturday in rotterdam, Bij1 left the queer demo coz of the existence of anti-fa flags. Those anti-fa who voted for bij1, bij1 even doesn't want to be in a same photo with you.

The sharia flag is no problem

The sharia flag is no problem for Bij1.


jihad flag

Stop responding to yourself

Stop responding to yourself Abtin, and get yourself checked.

Just to be clear...

....i never voted for Bij1, i live in a country where that party does not even exist. I did not even know that apparently in NL some anarchists voted for that party. I missed that whole discusssion, but please Abtin, fill me in. Oh, and tell me more about azc Echt, and the "Peoples Committee" there: as someone who works in the Belgium version of "Ter Apel" (, i would love to hear how that worked, and share that knowledge (no, i am not joking or sarcastic) with the VIBers in the center I work in, because until now I have not ever seen an initiative like that here in Belgium. People complaining about the circumstances in centers, yes, that i see and hear everyday, but organization from bottom up? That would be new to me, and i would love to promote that. I know that the christians,or trans, or gay, or single women could use that kind of energy.

This is not true members of

This is not true members of BIJ1 were present for the whole demonstration. Who is spreading such lies? There are videos and pictures on Doorbraak where this is evident.

This is a lie! BIJ1 stayed

This is a lie! BIJ1 stayed till the can see it in photos and videos from that day

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