Hier kun je discussieren over Action against the UvA.
Roeterseiland, Oudemanhuispoort and PcHoofthuis were covered by spraypaint and posters.
The slogans are a response to the violent eviction of occupation that took place on the 16th of January where students demanded that the UvA cuts ties with shell. Other demands included the democratization and decolonization of university and its study programs.
The UvA calls the cops, we call for a riot can be read on one of the posters, followed by spray painted slogans such as "cops off campus" and "democratize, decolonize, decarbonize".
These actions are important in order to show to the universities that calling the cops will not put an end to the movement that is currently forming. We will always find a way to be loud and disruptive.
Nu maar hopen dat deze nieuwe
Nu maar hopen dat deze nieuwe generatie radicalen geen nieuwe Diederik Samsoms, Sharon Dijksma's of Sharon Gesthuizens oplevert. Van die radicale mensen die met 1 voet in de PvdA staan.
[onnavolgbaar kroeg gewavel
[onnavolgbaar kroeg gewavel weggehaald]